5-7 metų vaikų dorinių vertybinių raiškos pradmenys

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
5-7 metų vaikų dorinių vertybinių raiškos pradmenys
Alternative Title:
Rudiments of virtues expresses by 5-7 year old children
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje siekiama atskleisti 5-7 metų vaikų dorinių vertybių raiškos elgesyje pradmenis. Remiantis empirinio tyrimo duomenimis (auklėtojų atsakymais), jame bus lyginami šio amžiaus vaikų elgesio raiškos ypatumai pagal vaiko lytį, vaiko gyvenamąją vietą ir ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigos tipą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Dorinis elgesys; Dorinės vertybės; Ikimokyklinis amžius; Moral behaviour; Moral virtues; Pre-school age.

ENIt became clear in the article based on theoretical and empirical model of expressing virtues of 5-7 year old children that the content of responsibility gets reflected by keeping the play environment tidy, cherishing environment objects, taking care of plants and animals; friendliness - sharing, telling about oneself, gifting your own made items; sensibility - efforts to protect the others, compassion when somebody fails; respect - observing moods of the others, hearing what the others say; justice - efforts to say the truth, acknowledging mistakes, bringing back what was taken, following game rules. Analysis information obtained from teachers showed that more than a half of analysed behaviours of 5-7 years old children often features rudiments of justice (avoiding deception and forthright), friendliness (openness and sincerity), responsibility (dutifulness), respect (attentiveness); less than a half features sensibility (courtesy and compassion), friendliness (sincerity); approximately one third features justice (rightness) and responsibility (solicitude). It also became clear that the behaviour of one third/one fourth analysed children had these virtues expressing features only sometimes noticed by teachers, and some of them had it very seldom or completely unnoticed. The expression of virtues in child's behaviour may slightly differ based on child's sex, residence place, type of preschool education institution. According to teachers' answers, some virtue expressing rudiments might be more perceptible in girls' behaviour: girls more often than boys have intentions to behave fairly (bring back what was taken), responsibly (cherish environment objects, takes care of plants and animals), respectfully (listen to what others say), sensibly (comfort when the others fail), friendly (gift their made items).On the other hand, the children who live in cities have rudiments of more frequent occasions of friendliness (tell about themselves) and responsibility (take care of plants and animals), but children who live in districts are better at justice (try to say the truth), respect (listen to what the others say; notice the moods of the others) and responsibility (keep tidy their play environment). The analysis also revealed that the children of alternative institutions often get ascribed behavioural features which convey the content of responsibility (protect environment objects); children of private institutions - more respectful (observe the moods of the others) and friendly (gift their own made items), and children of state institutions - (more than those of private) responsible (keep tidy their play environment) and (more often than those of alternative) friendly (gift their own made items). Therefore the analysis demonstrated that some children behavioural attributes grounded on virtues may not be noticed by preschool institution teachers. It might be the case for the lack of certain true-life situations where separate children behavioural attributes can mostly show up. In order to ensure data objectiveness, teachers' provided information about the behaviour of these 5-7 year old children was appended by parents' provided information. However, comparative analysis of information obtained from teachers and parents is an object of another scientific article. [From the publication]

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2020-07-28 20:31:11
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