Korupcijos sklaidos formos Lietuvoje: tarp sovietinio palikimo ir rinkos padiktuoto pragmatizmo

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Korupcijos sklaidos formos Lietuvoje: tarp sovietinio palikimo ir rinkos padiktuoto pragmatizmo
Alternative Title:
Spread of corruption in Lithuania: between soviet legacy and market pragmatism
In the Journal:
Viešoji politika ir administravimas [Public Policy and Administration]. 2006, Nr. 18, p. 57-72
Summary / Abstract:

LTKorumpuotos visuomenės etiketė dažnai bandoma klijuoti jaunoms Rytų ir Vidurio Europos demokratijoms. Straipsnyje analizuojama, kiek šis neigiamas reiškinys paplitęs Lietuvos visuomenėje. Į korupciją pereinamojo laikotarpio visuomenėse žvelgiama bendro korupcijos klausimų diskurso kontekste. Remiantis atskirų sričių mokslininkų darbais ir Lietuvoje vykdytų tyrimų rezultatais, bandoma nubrėžti ribą tarp sovietmečio palikimo ir rinkos ekonomikos padiktuotų taisyklių bei gyvenimo būdo įtakos korupcinės veiklos praktikai, akcentuojant, kad dėl šių įtakų susipypinimo tai nėra lengvas uždavinys. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Korupcija; Korupcijos tyrimai; Privatizacija; Sovietinis mentalitetas; Corruption; Research of corruption; Orivatization; Soviet mentality.

ENThe purpose of the paper is to analyze the spread of corruption in Lithuania. The overview of studies and researches conducted in Lithuania allows a few observations. Research on corruption not only demonstrates the seriousness of the problem but also seeks to acknowledge its reasons and sensitive spheres.Lithuanian case study on corruption does not give a clear answer to the question whether corruption influences the economical and political development of the country or malfunction of the economic and political system creates the fertile ground for corrupt practices. Culture of blat, mutual obligations, and informal networks have not disappeared with the old system but have been transformed into new forms adapting to new circumstances. Unclear division between public-private relations, disrespect to state, authorities and law, tolerance to socially dubious practice is often observed in various spheres. It is shown that transformation to the market economy has not abolished existing social maladies but in some cases leads to new forms of corrupt practice. Process of privatization opened possibilities for free market, private initiative, and public money. Simultaneously, privatization allowed public servants - the old nomenclature, and politicians using official position, information, personal relationships and old contacts - to become richer at the expense of the rest of the society. If a corruptive behavior is based on internalized moral norms and is considered as “a part of the game”, it is not easy to change. If morality is the problem, then the law may not be the first and the best answer. It is much easier to have a political will to solve institutionalized corruption by changing administrative practice, motivation, mechanisms of control and reassessment of pay system for officials. [From the publication]

1648-2603; 2029-2872
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2013-04-28 16:18:20
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