Elitinio aukštojo mokslo tapimo masiniu proceso esmė : paradigma ir charakteristikos

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Elitinio aukštojo mokslo tapimo masiniu proceso esmė: paradigma ir charakteristikos
Alternative Title:
Essence of the process of the massification of higher education: the paradigm and characteristics
In the Journal:
Socialiniai mokslai. 2000, Nr. 3 (24), p. 112-122
Aukštasis mokslas. Studijos / Higher education. Study.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama elitinio aukštojo mokslo tapimo masiniu paradigma. Elitinio aukštojo mokslo tapimo masiniu charakteristikos išskiriamos, remiantis vadybos moksle taikomomis organizacijų transformavimo koncepcijomis: rekonceptualizacija, reorganizacija, restruktūrizacija – aukštojo mokslo sistemos paradigmos, valdymo, struktūros bei pedagoginio proceso lygmenyje. Taip pat pateikiamos aukštojo mokslo masiškėjimą įprasminančios koncepcijos, kurių sąveikos rezultatas – sinerginis efektas, leidžiantis aukštojo mokslo masiškėjimo procese išsaugoti tradicines aukštojo mokslo vertybes, patenkinti žinių visuomenės poreikius bei siekti atviros visuomenės kokybės. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Auštojo mokslo masiškėjimas; Elitinis aukštasis mokslas; Masinis aukštasis mokslas; Paradigma; Paradigmos charakteristika; Sinergetinis efektas, atvira visuomenė; Elitist higher education; Massive higher education; Synergetic effect, open society; The Characteristic of paradigm; The Massification of Higher Education; The Paradigm.

ENThe phenomenon of higher education becoming massive raises many and various problems. This is because there is a lack of conceptual analysis of the process of higher education becoming massive, especially when this takes place in the society that is deficient in democratic traditions. In this article we analyse the paradigm of elitist higher education becoming massive and define the main characteristics of this phenomenon on the basis of the concepts of organisation transformation applied in management science. These concepts are reconceptualisation, reorganisation, and restructurisation. The characteristics of higher education becoming massive are marked out on the levels of the paradigm of the higher education system, management, structure, and the pedagogic process. In this article we also define the concepts that give the meaning to the process of higher education becoming massive. The result of the interaction of these concepts is a synergetic effect that allows for the preservation of the traditional values of higher education in the process of higher education becoming a massive phenomenon, and also for the satisfaction of the needs of the knowledge society and striving for the quality of open society.Modernisation in this article is interpreted as the alteration of higher education according to the contemporary requirements that are raised by the quality of the open society. In this process there should be an equivalent interpretation and adjustment the actions of the systematic (the voluntaristic position) and the natural (the deterministic position) change. These actions determine the integration of the revolutionary process. In the implementation of the changes the development and the improvement should be adjusted with respect to circumstances, the material resources and other conditions. In the development and improvement the system of higher education there again should be the adjustment of the mechanism of the implementation of reforms and innovations, while precisely identifying what is being done and what is the purpose of this activity. [From the publication]

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