Mažosios Lietuvos lietuvininkų tautinis tapatumas : istorija ir vieta

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mažosios Lietuvos lietuvininkų tautinis tapatumas: istorija ir vieta
Alternative Title:
Ethnic identity of lietuvininkai (Prussian Lithuanians) in Lithuania minor: history and place
In the Journal:
Tradicija ir dabartis. 2012, 7, p. 113-127
Vokietija (Germany); Lietuva (Lithuania); Migracija / Migration; Etninės religinės grupės / Ethnic religious groups; Kultūrinis identitetas / Cultural identitity.
Summary / Abstract:

LTLietuvininkų tapatumui įtakos turėjo platus socialinis kontekstas, įvairūs tiek išoriniai (emigracija, mišri santuoka, vokietinimas ir t. t.), tiek vidiniai (vertybės, prieraišumas, religija ir t. t.) veiksniai. Kiekvieno žmogaus ego nuolat asimiliuoja šiuos jam įtaką darančius veiksnius. Straipsniu skatinama atkreipti dėmesį į šios etninės grupės raidos istoriją, akcentuojant lietuvininkų tautinį tapatumą ir savivoką lėmusius veiksnius. Remiantis įvairių tapatumą tyrinėjančių mokslo krypčių teoriniais konceptais, lietuvininkų tapatybės klausimas analizuojamas tarpdalykinėje perspektyvoje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Etninės grupės; Lietuvininkai; Mažoji Lietuva; Prussian Lithuanians; Prūsijos lietuviai; Tautinis tapatumas; Ethnic groups; Ethnic identitet; Lietuvininkai; Lithuania Minor; National identity; Prussian Lithuanians; Prūsijos lietuvninkai.

ENGoal of this article – to investigate the question of Lietuvininkai (Prussian Lithuanians) identity in a problematical way, to discuss the aspects of their life, which could have connection to the conception of their identity. The article investigates, what is the base of identity of people, who live in Lithuania Minor and are usually called Lietuvininkai (Prussian Lithuanians)? The article encourages to pay attention to the history of development of this particular ethnical group, emphasizing their ethnic identity and the factors that influenced such self-understanding. The object of the article – discussions in the press and other public space between various types of researchers (ethnologists, historians, linguists, philosophers, bibliographers, public figures, etc.) on the question on the identity of Lietuvininkai (Prussian Lithuanians). The identity of a community and an individual is analyzed, on the influence of localization, historical context and cultural heritage, political situation, the phenomenon of globalization and the changing regional discourses. On the basis of theoretical concepts of various scientific directions who research the identity, the question of the identity of Prussian Lithuanians is analyzed in interdisciplinary perspective. It could be argued, that the old inhabitants of Lithuania Minor firstly base their belonging to Lietuvininkai (Prussian Lithuanians) ethnical group on understanding of cultural peculiarity, and the residence – territoriality also takes a very important place, one of the most important elements of ethnical sentiments. So it could be suggested, that the identity of Lietuvininkas (Prussian Lithuanians) is relevant to the place and history of the region.Today’s youth assign Lithuania Minor to Samogitia, and they think of all noticeable differences as of the outcome for geographical location and historical background. They are not linked to distinct local ethnographic culture, but are thought of as a result of mixing the Samogitian culture with outlandish German (generally Western) traditions. You can still find a severe minority of people, which still have the German self-consciousness. That’s why while talking about the geographical location of limits of the consciousness of Minor-Lithuanians, we treat Lietuvininkai (Prussian Lithuanians) who are living there not as a political territorial part of the former Germany, but more as a cultural community, who identifies themselves by the traditional cultural features. It can be said now, that interest in historical traditions in this region is felt. There even is an appropriate term for people, who have no historical roots here, but they live here and feel the responsibility to know and spread the history of this land – New Lithuanians. The natural reduction of the Lietuvininkai (Prussian Lithuanians) community forces the need to attract new people, who would care for the spiritual and material heritage of Lithuania Minor. [From the publication]

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