Individualizuoto ugdymo programų specialiųjų poreikių moksleiviams sudarymo principai : teorinis pagrindimas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Individualizuoto ugdymo programų specialiųjų poreikių moksleiviams sudarymo principai: teorinis pagrindimas
Alternative Title:
Principles of preparation of the individualized educational content: theoretical grounding
In the Journal:
Specialusis ugdymas [Special Education]. 2002, Nr. 2 (7), p. 24-33
Mokiniai /School students; Specialieji poreikiai / Special needs; Specialusis ugdymas / Special education; Ugdymas / Education.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pateikiami ir pagrindžiami autorių suformuluoti individualizuoto ugdymo programų specialiųjų poreikių (SP) moksleiviams, integruotiems bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje, sudarymo principai. Šie principai numato pagrindines pedagogo veiklos, integruojant SP moksleivius įprastinėje klasėje, strategijas. Straipsnyje atskleisti individualizuoto ugdymo programų sudarymo principai buvo empiriškai patikrinti per autorių atliktą tyrimą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Individualizuoto ugdymo(si) programa; Moksleiviai; Programų sudarymo principai; Specialieji poreikiai; Specialiųjų poreikių mokiniai; Ugdymo programos; Educational Programs; Individualized education program, special needs students, the programming principles; Pupils; Special needs.

ENThe formation of the curriculum and the preparation of the individualized curriculum in Lithuania, with the traditions of the centralized formation of the curriculum and the structured regulation of the pedagogical work, is a new aspect of the teacher's activity. The individualized education becomes especially urgent when dealing with the integration of exceptional pupils into regular secondary schools. Therefore, the scientific problem can be defined by question: on what principles should the teacher's activity for individualization of the curriculum be based? Therefore it is necessary to theoretically ground the system of die teacher's activity for individualization of the curriculum. Hence the aim of the research is to theoretically ground and reveal the principles of the preparation of the individualized educational content. In this article a set of specific principles of the preparation of individualized curriculum is formulated, and each principle is analyzed in the separate section of the fourth part. The authors have analyzed principles of the versatility of the diagnostics, the establishment of the axis of integration and the optimal integration and differentiation, the pedagogue's expectations, the creation of the purposive learning environment, the optimization of the reorganization of the educational material and the ways of development, the principle of support, the principle of the permanent study of the teacher's activity. [From the publication]

1392-5369; 2424-3299
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