Frontalaus, grupinio ir individualaus mokymo santykis pradinėse klasėse integravimo sąlygomis

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Frontalaus, grupinio ir individualaus mokymo santykis pradinėse klasėse integravimo sąlygomis
Alternative Title:
Ratio of frontal, group and individual education in primary classroom under the conditions of integration
In the Journal:
Edukacinės studijos. 2008, 5, p. 49-57, 278-279
Mokytojų ugdymas / Teacher education; Pradinis ugdymas / Primary education; Specialusis ugdymas / Special education; Ugdymas / Education.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Frontalus, grupinis ir individualus mokymas; Individualus, grupinis, frontalus ugdymas, integracija; Integravimo sąlygos; Pradinės klasės; Conditions of Integration; Frontal,Group and Individual Education; Individual, group, frontal education, integration; Primary Classroom.

ENRaminta Butkutė and Alvyra Galkienė claim in their article that it is frontal work that prevails during the lessons at ordinary schools during which both pupils with special educational needs and those following the general curriculum are often absent-minded. When such activity lasts up to 5 minutes, the dominant behaviour of pupils is positive, they show interest and are active. However, as the application time of frontal method grows longer negative behaviour gains dominance. The research has shown that during the differentiated group activity, teacher-coordinated groups prevail. The greatest positive pupil behaviour has been noted in the case of the application of individual learning. As more time is dedicated to an individual pupil with special needs, the pupil's absent-mindedness vanishes, interest and activeness grow. Based on the results of the research one can claim that one of the most efficient methods of activity in a heterogeneous classroom is the method of group learning. Individual teaching takes an important place in integrated education as the teacher then teaches the pupils considering their individual psychological and physical characteristics, working speed, knowledge, competences and skills. [From the publication]

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