Būsimų muzikos mokytojų asmeninė karjera : profesijos pasirinkimas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Būsimų muzikos mokytojų asmeninė karjera: profesijos pasirinkimas
Alternative Title:
Personal career of future music teachers: vocational choice
In the Journal:
Pedagogika. 2010, 99, p. 104-112
Karjera / Career.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariami būsimų muzikos mokytojų asmeninės karjeros projektavimo ypatumai, apžvelgiamas studentų asmeninės karjeros pradžios etapas — profesinis pasirinkimas, tyrimo rezultatais pagrindžiami ir aptariami įvairūs profesijos pasirinkimo proceso aspektai, padedantys įtvirtinti profesinį apsisprendimą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Profesijos pasirinkimas; Asmeninė karjera; Profesinis apsisprendimas; Vocational choice; Personal career; Vocational determination.

ENThe article discusses peculiarities of future music teachers' personal career projecting , analyses the initial stage of students' personal career: vocational choice. The authors provide substantiation of various aspects of vocational choice process, which enhance vocational determination, employing the research results. Fast change in education system, competitive environment and changing economic conditions also change development of pedagogical professions as well as attitude to teacher's profession. Currently new requirements for a teacher are established, which reflect the qualitatively new model for preparedness to carry out pedagogical work: skills of problem identification and their solving, awareness of latest technologies and abilities to apply them in pedagogical practice, knowledge of languages, awareness of other cultures, an ability to successfully act in a group, to work individually as well as in teams and an ability to be loyal are necessary. Teacher's profession and professional career are linked both with phenomena of global and local environment and with internal changes in the school, as an organisation, itself. Vocational choice and career planning are complex processes and they have a considerable influence on the well - being of an individual and his/her future visions. Music teacher training acquires meaning only when pedagogical studies are chosen consciously and responsibly and when musical and professional abilities are developed purposefully and consecutively. The conducted research revealed that future music teachers tend to link their personal career expectations with personal music and pedagogical abilities and latter with professional requirements.The research results allow for a statement that the process of career projecting continues throughout studies making an attempt to identify if their vocational choice is correct, to evaluate individual abilities, to establish subject-related goals and to create vision of future teacher. The research revealed the links between vocational determination and personal career planning of future teachers of music. It should be pointed out that students' vocational determination is directly related to phases of construction of a dream, accumulation of information on profession, awareness of own pedagogical vocation and perception of requirements for the profession. Future music teachers link their vocational determination with previous positive music experience, individual music abilities, teacher's authority and stimulation and support of appropriate solutions, professional ambitions. I t was established that vocational choice and vocational motivation of future music teachers were, to big extent, determined by students' self-assessment, personal and professional expectations, value beliefs, emotional experiences, professional vision and professional relations. Vocational intentions and determination were influenced by other individuals: parents, friends and teachers. The research results showed that in the beginning of studies the majority of students have high ambitions, strive for acquisition o f knowledge and development of musical skills. However, experience acquired during the teaching practice enables students to evaluate personal abilities in a more realistic way and to create more realistic future plans. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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2018-12-17 12:49:32
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