Dėl Marijampolės apskrities agronimų - priesagos -in- vedinių

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Dėl Marijampolės apskrities agronimų - priesagos -in- vedinių
Alternative Title:
On the agronyms - derivatives of the suffix -in- in Marijampolė County
In the Journal:
Acta linguistica Lithuanica. 2012, t. 66, p. 81-98
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiuo straipsniu siekiama atidžiau pažvelgti į tarpukariu užrašytą Marijampolės apskrities toponimijos dalį - agronimus, priesagos -in~ vedinius. Remiantis vertinga papildoma informacija, užrašyta Žemės vardų anketose, bandyta kuo tiksliau nustatyti tiriamų vietovardžių darybos būdą, surasti ir įvardyti bendrinius žodžius, su kuriais galima susieti, iš kurių galima kildinti etimologizuojamasias agronimų lytis, papildyti bei patikslinti esamus pietinio lietuvių kalbos ploto vietovardžių darybos ir kilmės aiškinimus. Atlikti tyrimo duomenys galėtų būti įtraukti į lituanistikos bei baltistikos tyrimų kontekstą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Tarpukario laikotarpis; Vietovardžiai; Agronimai; Pamatinis žodis; Bendrinis žodis; Interwar period; Place names; Agronyms; Base word; Common word.

ENThe research of areal toponymy carried out to this day has not testified such an extensive usage of the suffix -m- in forming derivatives from appellatives (around half of all suffix derivatives) and a particularly small number (thirty recorded instances) of compound genitive-case agronyms of appellative origin, as testified in the interwar Field-Name questionnaires of Marijampolė County. The quantitative prevalence of the derivatives with the suffix -in- is most likely a proof of the specific character of the class (sub-class) of the place names under analysis in the area under analysis and the tendency of the onyms to expand to the advantage of the derivatives analysed. It is a new fact supplementing the results of the research on the toponymy of the southern part of Lithuania. Authentic data unaffected by external factors (collectivisation, land amelioration, Slavonization), which was recorded in the interwar period, was examined in the most important aspects of the research of proper words: word-formation and origins. Additional information contained in the Field-Name questionnaires contributed to a more accurate identification of the method of word-formation and base words of the place names under analysis. In this way, the existing interpretations of the formation and origins of the place names of this area were supplemented and revised. Their importance will unfold in the future when compiling a synthetic work on Lithuanian toponymy "Dictionary of Lithuanian Place Names": they will offer more accurate versions of interpretation of the origins of field-names and help to identify the place of place names in the word families formed, etc.The lexemes identified in the study, from which the derivatives of the suffix -in- are formed, revealed the peculiar characteristics of the relief, flora and fauna of a specific area of the Lithuanian language, the names of the items and phenomena from the social environment related to the southern part of Lithuania. The data could be useful and interesting to ethnologists or the researchers of other fields and could help to know the former residents of the area, their mentality and world-views to an even better degree. In order to preserve the names of the tiniest land areas as a specific part of lexis mostly susceptible to variations, it is essential to continue the research and publication of the place names of this class. [From the publication]

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