Marijampolės apskrities asmenvardinės kilmės agronimų darybos bruožai

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Marijampolės apskrities asmenvardinės kilmės agronimų darybos bruožai
Alternative Title:
Characteristic features of the formation of agronyms of anthroponymic origin in Marijampolė county
In the Journal:
Acta linguistica Lithuanica. 2010, t. 62/63, p. 97-127
Marijampolė; Lietuva (Lithuania); Asmenvardžiai. Antroponimai / Personal names. Anthroponyms; Vietovardžiai. Toponimai / Toponyms; Tikriniai vardai. Onomastika / Onomastics. Proper names.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pateikta išsami tarpukario laikotarpio Marijampolės apskrities vieno poklasio vietovardžių (agronimų), susiformavusių iš asmenvardžių, apeliatyvinių asmenų pavadinimų, etnonimų ir pan. darybinė analizė. Agronimai darybos požiūriu tiriami pritaikius vandenvardžiams tirti sudarytą klasifikaciją, pagal kurią skiriami j pirminius ir antrinius, o pastarieji į vedinius (priešdėlių, priesagų, galūnių), sudurtinius ir sudėtinius. Aiškinant kilmę, ieškoma kuo tikslesnio pamatinio žodžio (etimono), iš kurio kildinami, su kuriuo siejami agronimai. Tarp pastarųjų akivaizdžiai vyrauja asmenvardžiai. Tiriamame areale jie gali būti tiek lietuvių (tebefunkcionuojantys ar jau išnykę), tiek lenkų, pavieniais atvejais ir vokiečių leksikos faktas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Marijampolės apskritis; Asmenvardžiai; Vietovardžiai; Daryba; Tarpukaris; Marijampolė County; Place names; Word-building; Anthroponyms; Interwar period.

ENThe analysis of formation of agronyms of the anthroponymic origin in Marijampolė County showed that secondary agronyms having derivational features constitute an huge absolute majority (~99%). Derivatives having suffixes account for more than half of them (~64%). Twenty-one suffixes are used for their formation (including variants of both genders and numbers): 13 are of Lithuanian (Baltic) origin -aitė, -ėlis, -iena, -ienė, -ija, -inė(s), -ims, -ynė, -iškė(s), -iškiai, -iškis, -lė, -okas (~97% of all derivatives with suffixes), eight of Slavic origins -anas, -auka, -ava, -avas, -čizna, -enk-, -k-, -ova (~3% of all derivatives with suffixes). Derivatives with suffixes -iškė(s) and -ynė are especially marked for productivity; they amount to about 45% and 31% of all derivatives with suffixes. Agronyms of the investigated area are slightly more often formed with two more Lithuanian (Baltic) suffixes -ini(s) (~13%) and -iškis, -iškiai (~7%). It makes it possible to detect the most productive formation model for derivatives with suffixes: an anthroponym, an appellative name of a person, etc. + the suffixes -in-, -išk- fulfilling possessive functions ->an agronyme, meaning possessiveness in respect of the primary word. In the investigated area derivatives with the suffix -ynė derived from anthroponyms mean places where people live or used to live. Thus, the investigation showed that the Lithuanian (Baltic) suffixes prevail in the process of formation of agronyms, and a small amount and percentage of derivatives is formed with the Slavic suffixes. On the grounds of the derivational analysis, compound agronyms (compounds) are placed second, and amount to about one third of the onyms investigated (~28%).Especially many compounds with lexemes balä 'a marshy place, often with unchanging / unmoving water in it; a swamp, a marsh; a puddle, a pool' (~40%) and pieva 'area of land where grass suitable for hay-making grows' (~27%) in the second component were recorded. It enables us to suggest that in a period of time and with the change of the landscape the majority of objects marking damp places (in this case bogs, which is profoundly recorded in the second component of the compounds) most probably have acquired different objective status and were included into the group of investigated onyms, naming other objects on the earth's surface. Agronyms formed by composition (~5%), derivatives with endings (~1,5%) and primary agronyms (~1%) are less characteristic of this area. While investigating the origins, the most precise primary word (etymon), from which the agronyms are derived and to which they are related, was sought. The selected target of research revealed that in all cases agronyms were formed from anthroponyms, appellatives names of persons, ethnonyms, etc. Attention should be paid to the fact that in the investigated area they may be the facts of the Lithuanian (still functioning or already extinct, confirmed only by the historical anthroponymy facts) as well as of the Polish or in certain cases of the German lexis. Therefore it is possible to speak about the layer of place names written down in the interwar Marijampolė County witnessing the Lithuanian (Baltic) and the Polish (Slavic) or even the German onymy interrelations. Such are the characteristic features of the formation of agronyms of anthroponymic origin in Marijampolė County.With the objective of having a complete view and model of the formation and origin of the area agronyms, these data will be included into analysis of the types of the formation of place names and origin tendencies, and, as hoped, will help to restore the overall pattern of place names in the interwar Marijampolė County. [From the publication]

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