Suaugusiųjų bendrųjų kompetencijų plėtojimas projektų metodu

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Suaugusiųjų bendrųjų kompetencijų plėtojimas projektų metodu
Alternative Title:
Development of adultsʼ key competences by the project method
In the Journal:
Andragogika. 2016, Nr. 1 (7), p. 148-173
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojamos bendrosios kompetencijos kaip esminė prielaida aktyviai suaugusiojo veiklai ir prasmingam buvimui nuolatinės kaitos sąlygomis. Akcentuojama, kad suaugusiųjų mokymosi procese bendrosios kompetencijos įgyja didžiausią svarbą suaugusiojo asmenybės plėtrai, siekiant jos pilnutinės vertingos raiškos gyvenime, veikloje. Projektų metodo taikymas suaugusiųjų mokymosi procese sudaro palankią terpę, užtikrinančią savaimingą besimokančiųjų bendrųjų kompetencijų plėtojimą. Besimokantieji, įsitraukdami į projektą, ugdosi savarankiškumą, lavinasi bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo gebėjimus ir įgūdžius, patiria asmenybės pokyčius (transformaciją), jos vystymąsi ir tobulėjimą, t. y. plėtoja bendrąsias kompetencijas. Besimokančiųjų bendrųjų kompetencijų plėtotė projekto metodu grindžiama išsamiai aptariant bendrosios kompetencijos sampratą, jos tipologiją, svarbą suaugusiųjų gyvenimui, profesinei veiklai. Pažymima, kad projektų metodo taikymas mokymosi procese padeda suaugusiesiems plėtoti bendrąsias kompetencijas, tiesiogiai susijusias su asmens gebėjimais, kas turi lemiamą reikšmę jų asmenybės augimui ir tobulėjimui. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bendroji kompetencija; Projektų metodas; Asmenybės tobulėjimas; Project method; Key competence; Personality’s improvement.

ENThe character of alterations in the learning process of modern society shows itself in new orientations, strategies, technologies, methods, means and principles. Less topical for a continuously learning society becomes the content of academic training, whereas general education, securing development of mental and spiritual powers becomes more and more important. It is treated as a tool, preconditioning the overall acquisition of vocational qualification and stimulating a lifelong development of an individual personality. One of the alteration elements in the systemic approach to the process of learning is the Project method, assisting in efficient development and improvement of interaction among those participating in this process, securing synthesis of theory and practice, positive transformation of learner’s personality and alteration of its expression (activity, behaviour). Many authors (Adderley et al., 1975; Skreien, Tobiassen, 1996; Petty, 2007; Laužackas, 2005; Birgelytė, 2005; 2006; 2008; Clements et al., 2006; Игнатова, Сушкова, 2011; Несговорова, 2013; et al.) note that employment of the Project method in the process of learning becomes exceptionally important in development and improvement of adults’ key competences. This article analyses the scientific problem: what are possibilities and opportunities for employment of the Project method in development and improvement of adult learners’ key competences?.Aim of the research: to make analysis of possibilities and opportunities for employment of the Project method in development and improvement of adult learners’ key competences. A performed analysis of scientific literature enabled to shape the following findings. Employment of the Project method in the process of adult education is not only a stimulus for proactive, motivated and inventive activity of learners, who create new knowledge, integrate it together with practical knowledge into overall entirety, discuss it together with already available experience. It is also one of the methods, assisting in transformation of learners’ personality and their activities. The Project method that is a flexible model in the organization of the learning process and this model is focused on an inventive, self-realizing personality of an adult learner, creating something new in real life situations and improving his/her key competences. Key competences are abilities of extensive purpose and large range of employment. Their development is mostly based on personal properties. These competences can be employed in different situations and they predetermine the quality of personal development, efficiency of labour activity and success of social life.Development of key competences in the process of learning allows learners to “step over” different frontiers – they create favorable conditions for communication and cooperation, assist in continuous learning and improvement, develop flexibility in vocational activities, assist in becoming a purposive and active member of a vocational community and society, in building of a meaningful life. These competences unite and join separate knowledge, abilities and positions into one entirety and direct it knowingly towards the desired direction. Development of adults’ key competences during a project takes place as a spontaneous process, where learners’ personal aspirations coincide with the offered opportunities, directly related to a person’s abilities for self-education: self-dependence, tolerance, activeness, responsibility, spontaneity, creativeness, independence (autonomy), communication, flexibility, self-regulative behaviour, self-confidence, positive self-evaluation, etc. Adults’ key competences, developed in the project activity predetermine the development and improvement of their personality. [From the publication]

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