Naujieji skoliniai Jurgos Ivanauskaitės trilogijoje "Tibeto mandala": metakalbiniai komentarai kaip integracijos į tekstą priemonė

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Naujieji skoliniai Jurgos Ivanauskaitės trilogijoje "Tibeto mandala": metakalbiniai komentarai kaip integracijos į tekstą priemonė
Alternative Title:
New borrowings in Jurga Ivanauskaitės trilogy "Tibetan mandala": metalinguistic comments as a tool for integration into the text
In the Book:
Leksikografija ir leksikologija. D. 5 / sudarė Aurelija Gritėnienė. Vilnius: Lietuvių kalbos institutas, 2015. P. 185-205
Jurga Ivanauskaitė; Ekonominė politika. Globalizacija. Integracija / Economic policy. Globalisation. Integration; Skoliniai / Loan words.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Integracija; Jurga Ivanauskaitė; Metakalbiniai komentarai; Metalingvistinis komentaras; Naujažodžiai; Naujieji skoliniai; Skolinys; Trilogija „Tibeto mandala"; Integration; Jurga Ivanauskaitė; Loan-word; Metalinguistic Comments; Metalinguistic comment; Neologism; New Borrowings; The Trilogy "Tibetan Mandala".

ENThe article discusses one of the new tools for integration of borrowings - metalinguistic comments that were found in Jurga Ivanauskaitė's trilogy of travel books "Tibetan mandala". They will be analysed from the expression and functional perspective. A qualitative analysis of over 1000 different metalinguistic comments on new borrowings in the trilogy "Tibetan mandala" revealed that the main function - explain the meaning. The metalinguistic comment helps to integrate a realty, which is used in the text for the first time and probably is unfamiliar to the presumed reader, identifying a new borrowing of unknown meaning. Comments on new borrowings are provided in several ways: indicating the underlying words, their meaning; using a common word in Lithuanian language; using a Lithuanian neologism of clear motivation; using other previously mentioned world, which was used in the text and is known to the reader, new borrowing; using several words to describe the name of realty. The syntactic expression of metalinguistic comments varies: they can be placed in brackets, separated by commas or dashes, followed by conjunctions or, as it is commonly used, marked by star and explained in the glossary as important new borrowings in the text. Sometimes these techniques are combined. [From the publication]

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2018-02-07 13:34:40
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