Studijų kokybė: aukštųjų mokyklų absolventų vertinimai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Studijų kokybė: aukštųjų mokyklų absolventų vertinimai
Alternative Title:
Quality of studies: graduate's evaluation
In the Journal:
Filosofija. Sociologija [Philosophy. Sociology]. 2002, Nr. 3, p. 27-34
Pedagogika / Pedagogy; Profesinis rengimas / Vocational training.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjama studijų Lietuvos aukštosiose universitetinėse mokyklose kokybė. Kokybės problema pristatoma, remiantis konceptualia kokybės teorijos samprata bei analizuojama remiantis empirinių sociologinių tyrimų duomenimis – per absolventų subjektyvius profesinio pasirengimo vertinimus. Glaustai aptariama studijų vertinimo sistema šalyje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Mokymo kokybė; Profesinis rengimas; Kvalifikacija; Darbo sąlygos; quality of teaching; Professional training; qualification; working condition.

ENThe problem of study quality is analysed in the article. According to surveys of the data of higher schools graduates carried out by the Institute of Labour and Social Research together with the Department of Statistics during 1999-2002, the quality of teaching at university type schools is analysed according to respondents’ subjective evaluations of their vocational training quality. The surveys were initiated by the Department of Science and Studies as well as The Open Lithuania Fund. Higher schools throughout Lithuania are inclined to co-ordinate the content of their studies with some standards and needs of users. Referring to T. Sallis’ absolute and relative quality concepts, a conclusion is made that Lithuanian schools prefer to keep to the relative one. Analysis of the research data shows the lack of practical training of high school graduates. Financial resources play an important role in the quality of studies. [From the publication]

0235-7186; 2424-4546
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