Vilniaus universiteto studentų požiūris į studijas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vilniaus universiteto studentų požiūris į studijas
In the Journal:
Filosofija. Sociologija [Philosophy. Sociology]. 2002, Nr. 1, p. 68-76
Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Aukštasis mokslas. Studijos / Higher education. Study.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariami studijų Vilniaus universitete kokybės klausimai: studijų programų turinys, dėstytojų kvalifikacija bei dėstymo lygis, studijų sąlygos. Analizė atliekama, remiantis Vilniaus universiteto studentų sociologinės apklausos, atliktos 1999-2000 metais, rezultatais. Darbe yra lyginami studentų pateikti studijų kokybės vertinimai bei pasitenkinimo jomis lygis priklausomai nuo lyties bei pasirinktos studijų krypties. Nemaža vietos yra skiriama studijų motyvacijai bei profesiniams planams, studijų derinimo su mokama darbine veikla problemoms aptarti. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Studijų kokybė; Universitetinės studijos; Profesija; Kokybės vertinimas; quality of studeis; University studies; Occupation; Assessment of quality.

ENThe main objective of the article is to discuss the most important issues of the quality of studies at Vilnius University, focusing on the personal evaluations of the study programmes and teaching process by students. The analysis is based on the findings of the questionnaire survey of Vilnius University students carried out in 1999-2000 by the Department of Sociology. The respondents were the third-sixth-year students from all faculties, 2301 per-sons were interviewed using a specially developed semi-structured questionnaire. The research showed that the majority (65.2%) of students were satisfied with the con-tent of their study programme; 71.6% of respondents gave a positive evaluation to the qualifications of the academic staff and level of teaching. In the opinion of students, the instructors are usually very objective in the evaluation of their knowledge during the exams; how-ever, more than 16% hold the opposite point of view. The students are much more pessimistic as far as the conditions of studies are concerned: the necessary books are not always available in the libraries; the possibilities to use the modern information technologies at the university are very limited, etc. There are statistically significant differences in the distribution of opinions of respondents from various faculties, the students of natural sciences being distinguished by the most positive evaluation. On the whole, about 75% of respondents are satisfied with the studies at Vilnius University and only less than 2% are totally disappointed. [From the publication]

0235-7186; 2424-4546
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