Įgalinančio dialogo poreikis ir patirtis plėtojant socialines paslaugas nevyriausybinėje neįgaliųjų organizacijoje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Įgalinančio dialogo poreikis ir patirtis plėtojant socialines paslaugas nevyriausybinėje neįgaliųjų organizacijoje
Alternative Title:
Need for the dialog ue and experience in the development of social services for the non -governmental organization
In the Journal:
Socialinis darbas. Patirtis ir metodai [Social Work. Experience and Methods]. 2013, [Nr.] 11, p. 157-182, 222
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariamas įgalinančio dialogo poreikis ir patirtis plėtojant socialines paslaugas NVO. Atliktas dalyvaujantis veiklos tyrimas žvelgiant iš vidaus (angl. insider’s view) – kai NVO aprašoma socialinių paslaugų gavėjo ir NVO organizatoriaus akimis bei aptariama, kaip kiti socialinių paslaugų gavėjai, priklausantys NVO, ir socialinių paslaugų teikėjai vertina socialinių paslaugų NVO naudą. Atskleista, kad socialinės paslaugos reikšmingos tuo, jog leidžia formuoti teigiamą nuostatą negalią turinčių asmenų atžvilgiu ir mažina jų socialinę atskirtį. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Nevyriausybinės organizacijos; Neįgalieji; Neįgalumas; Socialinės paslaugos; Disability; NGO; Nongovernmental organizations; Persons with disability; Social services.

ENSociety becomes more open, democratic, civic groups began to develop a variety of individuals, who were often excluded from social life of the network. Therefore, demand of non-governmental organizations, particularly for people with disabilities was very strong. It should be noted that in the latter period of practice highlights the importance of NGOs as one of the major organizations dealing with social exclusion groups. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to discuss the need for dialogue and empowering experience, expansion of social services in NGOs, based on the concept of social participation. An analytical method empoyed is based on the point of view from the inside (insider’s view) and a subjective practical experience. Enabling dialogue is identified as an integral part of the NGO. Social services are important because they allow formation of a positive attitude towards persons with disabilities, but also reduce the social exclusion. Social exclusion is overcome, then socio-cultural involvement of NGOs increases. The most important NGO activities is socio-cultural participation of the people with disabilities as one of the most important needs. Participation in the activities of NGOs revealed the creative expertise of persons with disabilities. The most creative personality matured in the environment, because NGOs provide enabling environment to develop not only self-expression, self-fulfillment, but also to meet socio-cultural needs of the people with disabilities. It is important to design the activities of NGOs through which it is possible help persons with disabilities.NGOs provide these social services: information, advice and representation, social and independent living skills training, support and recovery (self-help groups), the motivation to work and to gain higher education (employment of disabled persons in various crafts societies), artistic, sports skills training (employment of disabled persons in various arts, culture, sport societies, teams, clubs), general social services (personal care and supervision of the organization), special social services (home help). Therefore, the most controversial issue of every reader’s reflection and NGOs – are/could/should be persons with disabilities, supportive organization?. [From the publication]

2029-0470; 2029-5820
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