Activation of participation motivation directed towards agents : a conceptual model

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
Activation of participation motivation directed towards agents: a conceptual model
Alternative Title:
Dalyvavimo motyvacijos aktyvinimo koncepcinis modelis, nukreiptas į "tarpininkus" (pilietinės visuomenės organizacijas)
In the Journal:
Inžinerinė ekonomika [Engineering Economics]. 2009, Nr. 4 (64), p. 71-77
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje apžvelgiamas pasiūlytas R. Tijūnaitienės disertacijoje „dalyvavimo motyvacijos aktyvinimo koncepcinis modelis, nukreiptas į „tarpininkus“ (konkrečias PVO)“ (2009). [...] Šis modelis sąlygiškai pavadintas „nukreiptu į tarpininkus“, nes jis skirtas ne apskritai visų dalyvaujančių piliečių, bet dalyvaujančių konkrečiose PVO motyvacijai plėtoti. Nors jį gali taikyti tiek PVO vadovai, tiek valdžios institucijų tarnautojai, tačiau jame pasiūlytos priemonės turi būti nukreipiamos konkrečioms PVO. Siekiant įvertinti kolektyvinės krypties motyvaciją, buvo nustatyti konkrečią elgseną lemiantys motyvai. [...] „Dalyvavimo motyvacijos aktyvinimo koncepcinis modelis, nukreiptas į „tarpininkus“ (konkrečias PVO)“ sudarytas remiantis šiais principais: • Pirmame stulpelyje pateiktos skirtingos PVO grupės (klasteriai), kurios susiformavo atlikus apklausos duomenų analizę. • Antrame stulpelyje pateikiamos nustatytos PVO, kurios priklauso konkrečiam klasteriui. Taigi visos PVO, nors ir skirtingos pagal pavadinimus, specifiką ar misijas, pagal kolektyvinių motyvų raišką yra panašios. Todėl asmenims, kurie dalyvauja vienai grupei priklausančiose PVO, gali būti taikomos analogiškos motyvacijos aktyvinimo priemonės. • Trečiame stulpelyje pateikiami nustatyti dominuojantys dalyvaujančiųjų segmentai konkrečioje PVO. • Ketvirtame stulpelyje pateikti R. Tijūnaitienės siūlomų motyvacijos aktyvinimo priemonių pavyzdžiai, kuriuos gali taikyti tiek antrame stulpelyje norodytų PVO vadovai, motyvuodami savo narius, tiek valdžios institucijų administratoriai, kurie yra atsakingi už piliečių dalyvavimą atskiruose segmentuose, siekdami suaktyvinti dalyvavimą skirtingose PVO.[...]. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Dalyvavimas; Dalyvavimo motyvacija; Motyvacijos aktyvinimas; Motyvacijos skatinimas; Pilietinės visuomenes organizacijos; Pilietinės visuomenės organizacijos; Activation of motivation; Civil society organizations; Motivation of participation; Participation.

ENA part of the results of the dissertation research of Tijunaitiene (2009) – the developed conceptual model of activation of participation motivation directed towards agents (CSOs), in which the means of activating participation motivation are proposed, is presented in this article. Tijunaitiene (2009) proposed two models ("model" is perceived, with reference to Denhardt (2001), not as an ideal form of organisation or the mode of organising, but as a real life representation), which are likely to be used by both managers of civil society organisations (hereafter – CSOs) and government officials, whose decisions must be accompanied by citizen participation. Specific means of activation of participation motivation are proposed in the models, however, the actual process of motivation should lead to their implementation, therefore the models are called not the models of motivation of participation in general, but the conceptual models of activation of motivation (especially as the studied citizens currently participate in various CSOs) to develop the existing motivation of participating citizens. […] Since motivating is not permanent, but constantly changing, it depends on the circumstances and the individual himself/herself, so it is difficult to offer (to answer) unambiguously, which means are the best for motivating. Different motives may act in different situations, moreover, one motive can be changed by another one, therefore it is necessary to monitor and analyse the reasons of participation of different individuals constantly.It can be stated that both developed models of motivating, hence, the model presented in this article as well, are suitable for a particular segment of citizens (currently participating in different CSOs). […] It emerged on the ground of the analysis of collectivistic motives, measured in terms of attitudes, determining motivation to participate. The oneness of the model is that it can be used not for stimulation of motivation of participating citizens in general, but rather for selecting clusters of organisations specifically, in other words, if there is a need to activate those participating in certain segments of participants. The conceptual model of activation of participation motivation directed towards "final" customers (citizens), which emerged on the ground of the analysis of individualistic incentives, determining motivation to participate, was also developed. As the proposed conceptual model is founded on most valued incentives, as well as on mostly experienced investments for likely future benefit (benefits), it can be stated that this model is based on enabling self-expression, because pleasure and greater self-realisation motivate most. The prerequisite of its successful implementation is the use of complex means, i.e. using proposed means, reducing the influence of mostly experienced investments. However, as the volume of the article is limited, it will not be presented in this publication. Presented examples of activation of motivation in both models can be used as information, disseminated by traditional marketing means (during events, campaigns of TV commercials, during conferences, symposiums, etc.). [From the publication]

1392-2785; 2029-5839
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2018-12-17 12:32:27
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