Žinia apie vaiko negalią ir raidos perspektyvas: tėvų patirtys

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Žinia apie vaiko negalią ir raidos perspektyvas: tėvų patirtys
Alternative Title:
Message on child’s disability and perspectives of development: parents’ experiences
In the Journal:
Pedagogika. 2015, 117, p. 157-167
Neįgalieji / Disabled persons; Šeima / Family; Ugdymas / Education; Vaikai / Children.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje atskleidžiamos tėvų patirtys, išgyventos gavus pirminę informaciją apie vaiko negalią. Kokybinio fenomenologinio tyrimo, kuriame dalyvavo 12 šeimų, duomenų rinkimas atliktas taikant interviu metodą. Duomenų analizei taikyta turinio (content) analizė. Tėvų patirtys atskleidžia, kad profesionaliai pateikta informacija padeda šeimai susitaikyti su vaiko negalia, suteikiant vilties dėl vaiko ateities, ir turi įtakos šeimos kryptingumui. Šeimos, auginančios vaikus, turinčius negalią, pripažįsta psichosocialinės pagalbos poreikį. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Informacijos apie vaiko negalią pateikimas; Psichosoacialinė pagalba; Ugdymo perspektyvos; Vaiko negalia; Vaiko raida; Šeimos psichosocialinės pagalbos poreikiai; Child development; Child's development; Child's disability; Family needs for psychosocial assistance; Perspectives of child education; Presentation of information on child disability; Psychosocial assistance.

ENThe article reveals experiences of parents experienced after receiving the first information on child’s disability. Data collection of qualitative phenomenological research was performed using the interview in which 12 families took part. Content analysis was applied to the data analysis. Experiences of parents reveal that professionally presented information helps a family to put up with the child’s disability providing hope for the future of the child and has the influence on family’s purposefulness, on the other hand, the information provided without using the principles of medical ethics, insensitively and unintelligibly to parents causes negative experiences. Unawareness of the true situation, lack of information on assistance resources do not create conditions for parents to become equivalent partners of specialists when providing assistance to the child. The data analysis of qualitative research reveals the need of families rearing children with disabilities for psychosocial assistance which is recognized by the informants as cooperation with specialists, families having similar experience and individual psychological support. Family counseling, the communication and cooperation of the family with various specialists and other families having similar experience is a prerequisite guaranteeing a better quality of life for children with disability and their parents. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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