Šeimų, auginančių vaikus su negalia, adaptacijos modelis

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Šeimų, auginančių vaikus su negalia, adaptacijos modelis
Alternative Title:
Families with disabled children: the model of adaptation
In the Journal:
Tiltai [Bridges] [Brücken]. 2000, Nr. 4 (13), p. 83-91
Neįgalieji / Disabled persons; Socialinis ugdymas / Social education; Vaikai / Children.
Summary / Abstract:

LTNaudojantis ekologinės sistemų teorijos prielaidomis, straipsnyje analizuojami šeimų, auginančių vaikus su negalia, funkcionavimo ypatumai. Minėtų šeimų funkcionavimas analizuojamas vaiko-šeimos-aplinkos sąveikos kontekste, vaiko negalios poveikį šeimai traktuojant kaip biopsichosocialinį reiškinį. Straipsnyje šeimų su neįgaliais vaikais situacijos analizė remiasi pagrindinėmis ekologinės sistemų teorijos koncepcijomis: stresu, problemų įveikimo mechanizmu (coping) ir socialine priklausomybe. Šių koncepcijų pagrindu sudaromas šeimų, auginančių vaikus su negalia, adaptacijos modelis. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Adaptacija; Ekologinė sistemų teorija; Poreikiai; Problemų įveikimo mechanizmas; Socialiniai ryšiai; Socialinė parama; Socialinė parama, poreikiai, adaptacija; Stresas; Vaikas su negalia; Šeima; Adaptation; Coping; Disabled child; Disabled child,; Ecological systems perspective; Family; Needs; Social relatedness, needs, adaptation; Stress; Stress, coping, social rclatedness.

ENIn order to understand the problems that the child's disability creates and find the solutions to those problems one needs to analyze the situation of the entire family. The author suggests that one of the best conceptual frameworks that can guide this analysis is the ecological systems theory. This theory sees family as a system, where family members arc interrelated, and the family itself is inseparable from and functions in a larger environment Child's disability and its influence on the family ore analyzed not only from biomedical hut also from psychological and socio-cultural aspects. The main concepts used in the analysis of the situation of families with disabled children include stress, coping, social relatedness. Child's disability is an additional stressor operating along with natural stressors that mean family life cycle. Family's response to child's disability depends not only of the demographic characteristics but also on the family values, believes as well as socio-cultural factors operating in larger environment. Depending on the availability of social resources and support from the environment family coping can be instrumental or cognitive. Family social relations can be described as formal, semi-formal and informal, but their existence does not necessarily constitute social support. Process of stress, coping, social relatedness, and adaptation are interdependent, and the result this interdependency is expressed family needs. Building on the above-presented concepts the author needs. Building on the above-presented concepts the author presents an adaptation model of families with disabled children. [Text from author]

1392-3137; 2351-6569
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