Mobingas darbuotojų santykiuose : supervizijos, kaip intervencinio metodo, praktinio taikymo modelis

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mobingas darbuotojų santykiuose: supervizijos, kaip intervencinio metodo, praktinio taikymo modelis
Alternative Title:
Mobbing in employees’ relationships: practical application model of supervision as an interventional method
In the Journal:
Studijos šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje. 2012, Nr. 3(1), p. 298-305
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje apžvelgiami mobingo darbuotojų santykiuose intervencijos metodai: supervizija, koučingas, moderavimas ir mediacija. Apibrėžiami esminiai supervizijos, kaip intervencinio metodo, taikymo principai. Pateikiama mobingo intervencijos, naudojant superviziją, struktūrograma. Joje atspindėti trys pagrindiniai etapai: identifikavimo, reintegracijos ir pakartotinos socializacijos, organizacinių pokyčių programavimo, arba tęstinės prevencijos. Esminiai modelio principai: konflikto identifikavimas, konflikto priežasčių ir raidos atkūrimas, konflikto dalyvių ir jų vaidmenų identifikavimas, rėmėjų paieška, dialogo užmezgimas ir kompromisų paieška, grupės eliminavimas, socializacija ir reintegravimas į darbo procesą, taikos „paktas“ ir organizacijos kultūros stiprinimas – pokyčių programavimas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Darbuotojų tarpusavio santykiai; Mobingas; Mobingas, darbuotojų tarpusavio santykiai, supervizija, modelis; Modelis; Supervizija; Mobbing; Mobbing, relationship among employees, supervision, model; Model; Relationship among employees; Supervision.

ENSupervision as a way of mobbing conflict solution is attractive because the problem basically is solved evaluating its uniqueness. Although reasons of mobbing can be classified and grouped, mobbing (being a socio-cultural problem) is an individual conflict as well, where standardized means for its solution can be insufficient. Intervention can also be named as extremely active prevention, in which supervision together with other means can help avoiding mobbing conflicts in the future or at least to notice them on time. The discussed purpose of a supervision method varies. However, in the context of mobbing conflicts, it is disused as a tool to solve problems/conflicts that arise in an organization. The problem of the research is the query how to use and implement effectively the supervision method solving the problem of mobbing in Lithuanian organizations. The subject of the research is the practical application model of supervision as an interventional method. The aim of the research is to form the practical application model of supervision as an interventional method. The objectives of the research are as follows: to review the interventional methods of mobbing in employees’ relationships; to define the application principles of supervision as an interventional method; to create a mobbing intervention structurograme using supervision. The methods of the research. The article was worked out on the basis of the following methods: the systemic analysis of scientific literature, general and logical analysis, synthesis, complex generalization, comparison and modelling. In Lithuania, it is still unpopular to ask professional consultants to help, thus human resources and knowledge are used, which are often based on experience or generally accepted action methods.When discussing about the ways of conflict solution, when the conflicts with employers last long, even in case the problem is to be solved, the arsenal of actions is not broad: conversations, threats, warnings, "group penalties" when under the principle of soviet army both conflicting sides are to be punished hoping that it should encourage to avoid the incident. The employers, who think in a broader way, invite psychologists and organize seminars but, on the basis of the response of victims, this form is not very effective, because group decisions can serve as prevention but not as incident management. Often neither the complicated origin of mobbing, nor the methodology of its expression are evaluated. Apart from this, mobbing incidents show that the reformation of quality and structure that do not become effective without special knowledge and skills is necessary in the organization. After having reviewed the interventional methods of mobbing in employees’ relationships, the following key methods can be distinguished: supervision, mediation, coaching, moderation, coping strategy and juridical intervention, etc. After having defined the application principles of supervision as an interventional method, it has been established that the method of supervision can be rather effective when solving mobbing conflicts on individual as well as organizational levels. Supervision cannot solve the individual psychological problems of a person (a victim as well as the initiator’s of mobbing) but the application of the means of this kind of methods is one of the ways to train the social behaviour and conflict situation management skills of a victim and an attacker.After having formed the mobbing intervention structurograme using supervision, the following key principles of the model are singled out: conflict identification, renewal of conflict reasons and development, identification of the participants of the conflict and their roles in it, search for sponsors, starting a dialogue and search for compromises, elimination of a group, socialization and re-integration into work process, a peace "pact" and the strengthening of the culture of the organization. [From the publication]

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