Mobingo, kaip diskriminacijos darbuotojų santykiuose, intervencijos modelis

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mobingo, kaip diskriminacijos darbuotojų santykiuose, intervencijos modelis
Alternative Title:
Intervention model of discrimination in employee relations
In the Journal:
Tiltai [Bridges] [Brücken]. 2009, Nr. 4 (49), p. 89-102
Darbo organizavimas / Organisation of work; Darbo sąlygos / Working conditions; Diskriminacija. Konfliktai / Discrimination. Conflict; Mediacija / Mediation; Ugdymas / Education.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatomi mobingo intervencijos būdai individualiajame ir organizaciniame lygmenyse. Apžvelgiamos įvairios strategijos, skirtos mobingo reiškiniui ir jo padariniams minimizuoti. Pažymima, kad intervencijos būdo pasirinkimas priklauso nuo mobingo, kaip diskriminacijos darbuotojų santykiuose, intensyvumo ir konflikto dalyvių. Straipsnyje pateikiamas mobingo, kaip diskriminacijos darbuotojų santykiuose, intervencijos modelis. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Darbo grupės palaikymo metodas; Grėsmingos situacijos valdymo strategija; In dividualus lygmuo; Intervencija; Intervencijos modelis; Mobingas; Mobingas, intervencijos modelis; Mobingo fazės; Organizacijos atmosfera; Organizacijos lygmuo; Profesinės veiklos priešiūra ir stebėjimas; Tarpininkavimo metodas; Tarpininkavimo metodas, darbo grupės palaikymo metodas, grėsmingos situacijos valdymo strategija; Ugdomasis vadovavimas; Ugdomasis vadovavvimas; Coaching; Coping strategies; Individual level, organizational level, phases of mobbing; Mediation; Mobbing, intervention's model, organizational climate, coaching, supervision, mediation, moderation, coping strategies; Mobbing, intervention, interventions models; Moderation; Organizational climate; Supervision.

ENThere are many different methods of mobbing intervention which are suggested by foreign authors, but many of them are making their first steps in Lithuania. That is why there can appear a specialist-consultant problem when some methods are being applied. That could be explained by the common organizational culture of Lithuania, because there is not enough attention paid to the salvation of psychological problems. Especially nowadays, when in the country the recession is getting deeper and many of organization consolidate their budgets, very often by performing the politics of employee reduce, refusing the specialists which are not directly connected to the manufacture, or other "unnecessary" services. […] In Lithuania there is no any law base which would manage (may be only applying law acts against mobbing rarely) and the help of the lawyer would also be limited. This possibility can be limited by the victim's financial situation, because law processes, not taking to consideration an illegal cancellation of work agreement can take time, and by evaluating the general situation in the country, without the help of the family and coworkers the most acceptable would be the help of psychologist or, in the late stage, psychiatrist help. But the latter should also be ready to solve the problems of mobbing, so that there would not happen a specific conflict, so that there the easiest way - the medical treatment - would not be chosen. So that is why the appliance of mobbing intervention methods which are accepted in the world is a perspective for Lithuania which should be tried to achieve.For the salvation of mobbing problem in organization the models of two levels are used, their structure consists of individual and organizational levels. In the suggested models the systematic view of mobbing in organization is being developed. Discriminative relations and the escalation of the conflict are influenced by subjective personal qualities of a person on the individual level, and the structure of organization and management politics. There are two ways out - the victim can leave the organization or there should be developed a systematic interventional politics, which would integrate the politics of the dismissal and the development of the organization as stimulation to changes. Organization exists not in the vacuum of social connections, that is why without the inner pressure, which arises from the moral, economical understanding of the problem, the social pressure is experienced and beyond the borders of organization. This is the understanding of the social responsibility, which influences the changes. Depending on the understanding of mobbing the problem is left on the individual level to be solved or the strategy which can fulfil the systematic changes with tactical actions and with the help of coworkers, family members, consultants etc. It should be mentioned that the nature of mobbing, as discrimination in employee relations is the step towards the solution of the problem - the acknowledgement, naming and understanding of it. [From the publication]

1392-3137; 2351-6569
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