Grįžtamoji informacija kaip studijų proceso tobulinimo veiksnys : studentų požiūris

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Grįžtamoji informacija kaip studijų proceso tobulinimo veiksnys: studentų požiūris
Alternative Title:
Feedback information as the factor of the improvement of a study process: students’ approach
In the Journal:
Studijos šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje. 2012, Nr. 3(1), p. 194-202
Klaipėda. Klaipėdos kraštas (Klaipeda region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Aukštasis mokslas. Studijos / Higher education. Study; Studentai / Students.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatoma grįžtamosios informacijos, kaip studijų tobulinimo veiksnio, svarba studentų požiūrio aspektu. Pagrindžiamas grįžtamosios informacijos, kaip reikšmingos sėkmingų ir kokybiškų studijų sąlygos, vaidmuo; analizuojami grįžtamosios informacijos būdai ir intensyvumas studentų akademinio vertinimo procese; nagrinėjamas jos stilius ir dažnis analizuojant užduočių atlikimo klaidas. Pristatomas ir analizuojamas studentų požiūris į grįžtamosios informacijos poveikį studijų rezultatams. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Grįžtamoji informacija; Studentai; Studijų procesas; Feedback information; Responsive information; Students; Study process.

ENArticle analyzes the issues of feedback to students. For the students, the feedback is a prerequisite for successful learning, for a teacher it is a mean for improving his activities and communication with students. It allows the adequate assessment of learning results and provides a basis for improvement. To improve their learning, the students must have information about their level of knowledge and this information has to be acquired from the teacher through the feedback. The impact of the feedback on the student and the teacher depends on various factors: the frequency, regularity, form (oral, written, and combined), information style of the feedback. Therefore, the organization of providing the feedback is not a simple phenomenon. Thus, this article raises the problematic issue: how do students themselves evaluate the provision of the feedback during their learning process? The object of the research – students’ approach to the feedback as the study process evolving factor. The aim of the research – to highlight according to students approach the most commonly used ways and styles of rendering the feedback and their impact on the study process improvement. The objectives of the research: to find out in what ways and how often teachers provide feedback in order to inform students why they got a certain evaluation; to find out what style and how often teachers use to explain the students the mistakes in their tasks; to identify the students’ attitudes about the effectiveness of the feedback to their learning results. The methods of the research: the analysis of scientific literature, written questionnaire method, the method of statistical analysis (using the SPSS program). The paper presents the results of an empirical research conducted in February – May, 2010.With the purpose to investigate the opinion of the students of Klaipeda University about the feedback provided by their teachers after lectures, exams or during their practice. 180 first level, full time/ continuing education students were questioned. The research revealed that: The most commonly teachers inform students orally on their own initiative. Teachers do not tend to inform students about their evaluation in writing on their own initiative. Teachers mostly correct by giving the right answer; the most of the surveyed students noted that teachers‘ explanation of their mistakes could help them to study more effectively and individual explanation provided by the teacher next to the mistake was important. Any significant differences in opinions of the respondents of different study years were not noticed. It was established that the approaches of the junior and senior students to what they learn from teachers about their mistakes were statistically significantly different in the following cases: the junior-year students were more likely to agree that the information about their mistakes provided by their teacher helps them to determine, which topic or its aspect was not understood or understood incorrectly, what needs to be examined more thoroughly, what progress was made and helps to clear out the way of making the task; assessing students‘ attitudes about how they would like to be informed, some significant differences between sexes were determined. Male students in comparison with female students found it more important that teachers informed them orally on their own initiative. Also, male students preferred to be informed both orally and in writing if they asked for it. [From the publication]

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