Besimokančių organizacijų tapsmo ribos

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Besimokančių organizacijų tapsmo ribos
Alternative Title:
Limits of becoming learning organization
In the Journal:
Andragogika. 2011, Nr. 2, p. 149-163
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjamos besimokančių organizacijų tapsmo problemos, du besimokančių organizacijų tapsmo ribų atvejai: žinių gausinimo jų dalijimosi būdu ribos ir horizontalios valdymo struktūros taikymo ribos. Tuo nubrėžiama skirtis tarp besimokančių organizacijų tapsmo ilgainiui pašalinamų kliūčių ir besimokančioms organizacijoms imanentiškai būdingų, permanentiškai iškylančių ir todėl neįveikiamų ribų. Teigiama, kad ribų atpažinimas yra lemiama besimokančios organizacijos tapsmo sąlyga. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Besimokanti organizacija; Dalijimasis žiniomis; Horizontali valdymo struktūra; Horizontalus valdymas; Organizacinis mokymasis; Ribos; Ribų ir kliūčių skirtis; Vertikali valdymo struktūra; Vertikalus valdymas; Žinių perdavimas; Žinių valdymas; Boundaries and barriers vary; Horizontal management; Horizontal management structure; Knowledge management; Knowledge sharing; Learning organization; Limits; Organizational learning; Vertical management; Vertical management structure.

ENThe article highlights that becoming a learning organization could be connected not only with perspectives of productivity or competitiveness, but also with limits. There is defined a difference between the obstacles that could be eventually removed in becoming a learning organization and learning organizations’ actually overwhelming limits that are immanencely typical for them. The research demonstrates that those substantial limits of becoming a learning organization, such as rational level of knowledge sharing or unifying vertical management structure, are neither accidental, nor temporary, but have permanent nature. There are limits having forms that are consistently reproduced in permanent interactions: individual learning and organizational learning; horizontal management and vertical management. Thus, it makes sense to refuse the usual idea that problematic co-existence of individual and organized learning, knowledge sharing and non-sharing, horizontal and vertical management, decentralization and centralization is a temporal one. Contrary to popular belief, there is not stated that limits of becoming a learning organization could be once and for all removed. They could be removed only for a certain period, thus "circumvented". Such a "circumvention" of limits is possible when the sides of interactions mentioned above: organized learning and individual learning, horizontal management and vertical management complement each other and, in contrary – becoming a learning organization hangs when the sides of interaction deny each other a priori. [From the publication]

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