Ikiteisminio tyrimo teisėjo procesinis subjektiškumas atskirų baudžiamojo proceso principų perspektyvoje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ikiteisminio tyrimo teisėjo procesinis subjektiškumas atskirų baudžiamojo proceso principų perspektyvoje
Alternative Title:
Procedural subjectivity of the judge of pre-trial investigation within the perspective of some criminal procedure principles
In the Journal:
Teisė. 2009, t. 73, p. 102-123
Teisininkai / Legal profession.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojamas naujojo Lietuvos baudžiamojo proceso instituto - ikiteisminio tyrimo teisėjo procesinis statusas, atskleidžiamas jo procesinio subjektiškumo turinys. Instituciniu, funkciniu ir istoriniu aspektais pateikiami argumentai, grindžiantys poziciją dėl pasyvaus ikiteisminio tyrimo teisėjo modelio pasirinkimo. Publikacijos svarbiausias uždavinys - teisminės valdžios dalyvavimo ikiteisminiame tyrime vietos tarp kitų proceso dalyvių paieška. Atskleidžiamas ikiteisminio tyrimo teisėjo ir proceso šalių santykis akcentuojantjo ir ikiteisminio tyrimo vadovo - prokuroro procesinį santykį. Praktiniams nagrinėjamo proceso subjekto veiklos aspektams atskleisti pasirinktas teisėtumo, proporcingumo, rungimosi, betarpiškumo, žodiškumo principų įtakos ikiteisminio tyrimo teisėjo veiklai metodas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvos baudžiamasis procesas; Ikiteisminis tyrimas; Teisėjai; Lithuanian criminal procedure; Pre-trial investigation; Judge.

ENThe article analyzes the status of the new Lithuanian criminal procedure institute - the judge of pre-trial investigation. The publication defines the procedural subjectivity of the judge of pre-trial investigation, i. е. the basic elements of the participation in the procedure, his place and role with reference to the other Participants of the process. By applying historic and comparative methods the article gives the answer to the question "was Lithuanian legislation right in selecting passive model of the judge of pre-trial investigation within the Lithuanian Criminal Procedure Code". The article also compares the German tradition of passive model and French tradition of active model of the judge's (judge d'instruction) participation, and analyzes their advantages and shortcomings. The article formulates conclusion that the selection of the passive model of the judge of pre-trial investigation in the Lithuanian criminal procedure was consistent and reasonable. The actions of the judge of pre-trial investigation are estimated through the prism of the basic criminal procedure principles, i.e. legitimacy, proportionality, contesting, proximity and wording. The article also reveals the relationship between the judge of pre-trial investigation and other parties of the process, by emphasizing the procedural relationship between the judge and the prosecutor who is in charge of the pre-trial investigation. After the evaluation of the criticism with reference to the selected model of the pre-trial judge, the article formulates the conceptual ideas for the development of Lithuanian Criminal Procedure Code.To ensure the implementation of the fair criminal procedure the suggestion is made for the public prosecutor to apply progressive (active) strategy of the interrelated elements of singleness, expediency, integrity, continuity and responsibility. The implementation of this strategy would lead to significant qualitative changes in the preparatory stage of the criminal procedure. [From the publication]

1392-1274; 2424-6050
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