Veikla kaip sutrikusio regėjimo paauglių socialinių įgūdžių sklaidos prielaida

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Veikla kaip sutrikusio regėjimo paauglių socialinių įgūdžių sklaidos prielaida
Alternative Title:
Activities as a prerequisite fot the dissemination of social skills among teenagers with vision disabilities
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje iškeliama sutrikusio regėjimo paauglių socialinių įgūdžių ugdymo problema, kaip svarbi asmens socialinės integracijos į visuomenę sąlyga. Pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas veiklai (mokomajai ir nepamokinei), kaip svarbiam pedagoginiam veiksniui, lemiančiam socialinių įgūdžių sklaidą. Atskleidžiamas veiklos tikslingumo, asmeninio ir socialinio, savarankiškumo ir santykių humaniškumo ryšys su socialiniais įgūdžiais (intrapersonaliniais, interpersonaliniais bei veiklos ir bendradarbiavimo). Nemažai vietos straipsnyje skiriama sutrikusio regėjimo paauglių mokomosios ir nepamokinės veiklos ypatumams. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Socialiniai įgūdžiai; Socialinių įgūdžių ugdymas; Sutrikusio regėjimo paaugliai; Social skills; Social skills education; Teenagers with vision disabilities; Visually impaired teenages.

ENThe article looks at the problem of developing the social skills of teenagers with vision disabilities as an essential condition for their social integration. Primary attention was devoted to activities (educational and out-of-class) as an important educational factor determining the distribution of social skills. The following essential criteria for assessing activity efficiency were distinguished: the expedience of the activity, the significance of the activity, the level and degree оf activity, and the humanness of the relationship during the activity. The article analyzes the connection of activity expedience, personal and social significance and humanness of relationship with social skills. Statistical analysis revealed a significant connection between the expedience of teenager activities, the significance of the activity, the level and degree of the activity, the humanness of the relationship during the activity. Important prerequisites for the development of the social skills of the teenagers were the implementation of specific goals matching their individual characteristics, the personal and social meaningfulness of the activity, and the humanness of the relationship during the activity. The research analyzed whether activities arranged in special schools for students with vision disability are expedient, personally and socially meaningful, and whether the relationship of teachers with students is humane.The research data revealed that teenagers often found the goals raised during educational and out-of-class activities unclear, too complicated, and not complying with their interests, dispositions, and needs as well as being above the level of their social skills. Unclear and unrealistic goals hinder the purposeful arrangement of activities and the achievement of the desired result; they also undermine the student's self-assessment. An activity not in tune with the teenager's individual character lessens his interest in the activity thus weakening its educational effect. The data also revealed that educational and out-of-class activities have low personal and social significance for students. From the educational point of view an activity that is not personally meaningful cannot have a positive educational effect. Therefore, during educational and out-of-class activities students more often act as passive observers than active participants. Moreover, the efficient development of social skills is impossible without the active involvement and independence of the student himself. The research also indicated that during educational and out-of-class activities students miss humanness in teacher-student relations, namely sympathy and especially confidence in students, whereas human behavior of teachers is an important benchmark of human behavior of students. Human relationship of teachers with students helps to establish closer interrelationship, increase student self-confidence, encourage the expression of their humanness and teach the culture of interrelation. [From the publication]

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2018-12-17 11:53:22
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