"Triangle of competences" as one of the basic characteristics of the university library learning environment

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
"Triangle of competences" as one of the basic characteristics of the university library learning environment
In the Journal:
Bibliotekos / Libraries; Kompetencijos / Competencies; Universitetai / Universities.
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiuolaikinis aukštasis mokslas nuolat kinta, ir tuos pokyčius lemia besikeičianti aplinka. Akademinė biblioteka tampa partneriu bei aktyviu dalyviu organizuojant studijų procesą. Šiame straipsnyje siekiama patikslinti „mokymosi aplinkos“ sampratą bei pagrįsti jos taikymą akademinės bibliotekos aplinkoje bei atskleisti jos ypatybes. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kompetencijų ugdymas; Universitetai; Bibliotekos mokymosi aplinka; Competence education; University; Library learning environment.

ENContemporary higher education undergoes great changes, which are influenced by changing academic information and technological environment as well as market economics. With respect to learning paradigm as well as the conception of life-long learning in the university one seeks to create flexible learning environments. Referring to this standpoint, an academic library becomes a partner and active participant of study process. Constantly changing academic and informational environment raises new requirements for the competence of academic community members. This problem is broad and calls for a deeper study. First of all, the very concept of “learning environment” requires some precise definition as though recently it is often applied in library studies it still remains more declarative than scientifically based concept. Learning environment, interpreting it in the context of learning paradigm, acquires its complex structure and exerts its enabling influence. At the same time, learning environment calls for a new consideration of the competences of its participants—librarians, students, teachers/researchers—that are necessary for the activity based on their interaction in the learning environment of university library.

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2020-12-10 20:57:58
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