Návrat k normalitě pestrosti: Litevská postkomunistická historiografie o formování moderního národa a státu v letech 1795-1940

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Straipsnis / Article
Čekų kalba / Czech
Návrat k normalitě pestrosti: Litevská postkomunistická historiografie o formování moderního národa a státu v letech 1795-1940
Alternative Title:
Back to normal variety: Lithuanian Post‑Communist historiography on the formation of the modern nation and state in 1795-1940
In the Journal:
Historica (Ostrava). 2019, 10, 2, p. 202-218
1569-1795. Lietuva ATR laikotarpiu; 1795-1915. Lietuva Rusijos imperijos sudėtyje; 20 amžius.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Istoriografija; Valstybė; Lietuva; XVIII–XX a.; Istorikai. Keywords: Historiography; State; Nation; Lithuania; 18th–20th century; Historians.Reikšminiai žodžiai: 18 amžius; 19 amžius; 20 amžius; Istoriografija; Valstybė; Tauta; Istorikai; 18th century; 19th century; 20th century; Historiography; State; Nation; Historians.

ENThe contemporary Lithuanian community of historians is rather small. Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda universities as well as at the Institute of Lithuanian History in Vilnius conduct research in modern history. The research is most frequently carried out in the fields, which r were abandoned, forbidden or inaccessible earlier. The polemics are usually directed against the historiographic paradigms of the past. Innovations are frequently introduced by applying the trends and methods of Western historiography. In comparison to previous (interwar, Soviet‑time) historiographic paradigms, the newest historiography marginalized the ethnolinguistic perspective and examined modern Lithuanian society as a social‑ cultural unity of all inhabitants. Lithuanian society was exposed as traditionally multicultural. Recently the traumatic issues that disrupted the ages of relative peace were critically examined. The formation of civil society prevailed as a research topic. Qualitative research methods were employed for tracing the contacts and the continuity between the old elites of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the emerging national civil society. Continuity and changes amidst the local bodies of self‑governance and the formation of modern political parties were analysed. The research of political life in interwar Lithuania focused on the reasons for the authoritarian coup in 1926 and its consequences for the political and civil liberties. The Russian nineteenth‑ century imperial politics in the fields of censorship and schooling were analysed as a way of erasing specific Catholic and Latin character of the region. The imperial strategies in managing ethnic and confessional groups were examined and the escalation of Polish‑ Lithuanian animosity was exposed as their partial result.The interwar Lithuania’s formation and persistence, as well as its loss of independence, were widely exposed from the perspective of diplomatic efforts. Another perspective explained WWI as the traumatic experience of soldiers, paramilitary fighters, civilians and refugees. It considered this an important factor that shaped nationalism, politics and society decades later. Research on ethnic and confessional minorities and marginal social groups was abundant. Many studies were dedicated to the Jewish community. The genesis of Lithuanian anti‑ Semitism was examined and Jewish relations with the Lithuanian majority were described. Other non‑ dominant ethnic minorities (Tatars, Germans, Belarusians) and churches (protestant and orthodox) received their particular studies. This field of research focused on the possibility of social mobility and integration as well as on the maintenance of cultural rights. Much of the historical debate was dedicated to the complex identities in particular times and regions, such as German‑Lithuanian Klaipėda or multicultural Vilnius areas. Emigration processes and Lithuanian diasporas were studied as a formation of another type of complex identity. The period was productive in deepening the self‑ reflection of the historical profession. Due to global post‑modern trends, historical narratives and politics of memory were studied in every institution of the historical science. [From the publication]

1803-7550; 2695-060X
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