The "Captive mind" is worse than repressions. Psychotraumatological study of historical trauma in Lithuania

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
The "Captive mind" is worse than repressions. Psychotraumatological study of historical trauma in Lithuania
In the Journal:
Rocznik antropologii historii [RAH]. 2019, 12, p. 159-176
Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Politinė ideologija / Political ideology; Sveikata / Health.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Sovietinė trauma; Ilgalaikiai politinių represijų padariniai; Traumos perkėlimas iš kartos į kartą; Psichotraumatologija; Kultūriniai kompleksai. Keywords: Soviet trauma; Long-term effects of political repression; Transgenerational transfer of trauma; Psychotraumatology; Cultural complexes.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Sovietinė sistema; Trauma; Ilgalaikiai padariniai; Politinės represijos; Transgeneracinė trauma; Psichologiniai padariniai; Kultūrinis kompleksas; Soviet system; Trauma; Long-term effects; Political repression; Transgenerational trauma transmission; Resilience; Psychological trauma; Cultural complex.

ENIn the Vilnius University in Lithuania, the psychological research into long-term effects of soviet trauma has been carried out. The psychotraumatological and the psychodynamic analytic approaches have been employed the most frequently. These studies have provided important data about the complexity of soviet trauma. A representative study in a large sample of politically repressed people showed the long-term effects of such heavy traumatization on the victims. In the intergenerational studies of long-term traumatization appeared that not only vulnerability is transferred, but resilience too. It is transferred by the most traumatized people – those who experienced the political repressions of the regime. Paradoxically, in the later generations, the offspring of the families victimized by the regime are psychologically sturdier than the offspring of the families who adjusted to the regime. In the intergenerational perspective, there are more perilous things than experiencing direct repressions of the regime. Adjusting to the regime could have been much more harmful than direct suffering. Methodological question what is victimization due to the Soviet regime is worthy of consideration. [From the publication]

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