Specialiųjų pedagogų rengimo metodologinės kontraversijos neįgaliųjų ugdymo paradigmų kaitos kontekste

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Specialiųjų pedagogų rengimo metodologinės kontraversijos neįgaliųjų ugdymo paradigmų kaitos kontekste
Alternative Title:
Methodological controversies of training special pedagogues in the context of paradigm change of educating disabled people
In the Journal:
Specialusis ugdymas [Special Education]. 2001, Nr. 1 (4), p. 64-73
Mokytojų ugdymas / Teacher education; Profesinis rengimas / Vocational training; Specialusis ugdymas / Special education.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje teoriškai metodologiniu požiūriu modeliuojama specialiųjų pedagogų rengimo šiandieninė situacija. Analizuojamas specialistų rengimo kontekstas, atkreipiant dėmesį į neįgaliųjų ugdymo ir socialinės integracijos istorinius – kultūrinius veiksnius. Specialiųjų pedagogų rengimas siejamas su visuomenėje egzistuojančiais socialiniais negalės vaizdiniais ir socialinėmis nuostatomis į neįgaliuosius, su dominuojančia neįgaliųjų ugdymo ir integracijos metodologija bei ideologija. Išskirtos dvi pagrindinės neįgaliųjų ugdymo ir socialinės integracijos paradigmos. Lietuvos specialiojo ugdymo sistemai pereinant nuo klinikinės – didaktinės prie socialinės – interakcinės paradigmos, iškyla probleminių situacijų specialistų rengimo kontekste. Psichopedagogikos idėja pateikiama kaip kompromisinė paradigma, gebanti suderinti kitas oponuojančias paradigmas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Specialieji pedagogai; Profesinis rengimas; Specialusis ugdymas; Psichopedagogika; Special pedagogues; Vocational training; Special education.

ENThe article deals with theoretical modelling of the present situation of training special pedagogues in Lithuania. Several problems become evident in the context of social, educational and qualitative changes: 1) What paradigms of educating handicapped people and social integration intermingle and compete in Lithuania today? 2) What is the methodological basis of training specialists for social and educational activity concerning disability and what should it be like? 3) How should we combine the long scientific and practical experience of training special pedagogues in Lithuania with modem ideologies of educating the disabled people and their social integration? On the methodological basis of defectology there had been created many didactic correction methods in Lithuania that received positive evaluation. Nevertheless education became too formal, concerning only the formation of intellectual activity. Individual and social aspects of education became secondary.Special schools, families having a disabled child were separated from important interactive social nets. Under the influence of community movements as well as tendencies of emancipated activity and mass media changes were made both in the attitudes of many specialists, ordinary people and national policy of social integration of people with disabilities. The new conception of Lithuanian education shapes the vision of humanistic special school. Because of changing paradigm of Lithuanian education special pedagogues have to face a specific dilemma. On the one hand the idea of social integration is very popular among intellectual and professional elite, on the other hand rapid changes caused some specialists’ doubts about social and school integration of handicapped people. New types of specialists are in great demand in the situation of social and educational changes. When the Lithuanian system of special education is transferring from clinical-didactic to social-interactional paradigm there appear new problematic situations in the context of training specialists. [From the publication]

1392-5369; 2424-3299
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