Ugdymo kokybės nežymiai sutrikusio intelekto asmenų profesinio rengimo institucijoje vertinimas : buvusių auklėtinių požiūris

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ugdymo kokybės nežymiai sutrikusio intelekto asmenų profesinio rengimo institucijoje vertinimas: buvusių auklėtinių požiūris
Alternative Title:
Evaluation of education quality at the vocational training institution for persons with mild learning difficulties: former learners' approach
In the Journal:
Specialusis ugdymas [Special Education]. 2004, Nr. 1 (10), p. 84-97
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatomas tyrimas, kuriuo siekiama atsakyti į klausimus: ar nežymiai sutrikusio intelekto (toliau tekste - NSI) asmenis tenkina dabartinis profesinio rengimo modelis? Ar „idealus" profesinio rengimo modelis, atspindintis socialinės paradigmos idėjas, tenkina NSI asmenų lūkesčius? Kiek NSI asmenys dalyvauja ir kiek gali dalyvauti konstruojant profesinio rengimo modelį Lietuvoje? Atsakymų į tokius klausimus paieška apibūdina šio straipsnio tikslą. Šios apklausos rezultatai atskleidė, kad mokiniai gali būti aktyvūs ugdomojo proceso dalyviai, kad į jų nuomonę reikia atsižvelgti. Kaip rodo straipsnio autorių praktinė patirtis ir šio tyrimo rezultatai, konstruojant NSI asmenų profesinio rengimo modelį, dominuoja institucinis lygmuo. Subjektyvi įtaka (ypač NSI asmenų) nėra reikšminga. Straipsnio autoriai, pritardami Elster teiginiui, kad „istorija yra žmonių veiklos, ne sumanymų padarinys" (Elster, 2000), siūlo į šią veiklą aktyviau įtraukti ir neįgalius ugdytinius, kartu jiems perduodant dalį atsakomybės už profesinio rengimo ir profesinės adaptacijos rezultatus. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Adaptacija; Asmuo su nežymiai sutrikusiu intelektu; Nežymiai sutrikusio intelekto asmenys; Profesinio rengimo modelis; Profesinis rengimas; Sutrikusio intelekto asmenų ugdymas; Ugdymo kokybė; Ugdymo kokybės vertinimas; Adaptation; Evaluation of education quality; Pearsons with mild learning difficulties; People with intellectual disabilities education; Persons with mild learning difficulties; Quality of education; Vocational training; Vocational training model.

ENThe article presents a research, which attempts to answer the following questions: are persons with mild learning difficulties (MLD) satisfied with the existing training model? Does the "ideal" vocational training model, reflecting social paradigm ideas, meet the expectations of persons with MLD? To what extent do persons with MLD participate and can participate in the formation of vocational training model in Lithuania? The search of answers to these questions describes the aim of this article. The research object is the interaction of the "ideal" vocational training model and the expectations of persons with MLD. It is likely that forming the "ideal" vocational training model for persons with MLD the analysis of former and existing expectations of the learners would create the preconditions for a more optimal result. The respondents were given four groups of questions: 1) What theoretical subjects are important for the young man's work and independent life?; 2) Has vocational training centre taught the profession and prepared for an independent life?; 3) If the person under research were appointed the director of the centre, what would he change in his former school?; 4) The interviews with young people, used the method of alternatives, about the content, method and order of teaching. During the interviews every respondent was given 13 questions and 27 alternatives, which young people were choosing according to their personal experience. The questions were adapted according to the young people's abilities and education.The results of the research were processed in two ways: 1) by employing content analysis method, first the quality analysis of the received answers was carried out, then the categories were named and quantified with the participation of the experts' group. 2) Some research results, belonging to the demographic block and the block of diagnostic variables, related with the young person's opinion about teaching quality at the vocational training centre, were processed by employing SPSS.PC.ll software. The total number of the interrogated from all Lithuania, who graduated from special vocational training institutions, at least one year after the graduation, is 405. The results of this inquest revealed that the pupils could be active participants of the educational process and that their opinion had to be considered. According to the practical experience of the authors of this article and the results of this research, the institutional level dominates in the formation of the vocational training model of persons with MLD. Subjective influence (especially of persons with MLD) is not significant. The authors of the article, approving Elster's statement that "history is the outcome of people's activities, not of ideas" (Elster, 2000), encourage to involve disabled learners into this activity more actively, at the same time passing over part of the responsibility for vocational training and vocational adaptation results to them. [Text from author]

1392-5369; 2424-3299
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