Globali ekonomika ir antreprenerystė

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Globali ekonomika ir antreprenerystė
Alternative Title:
Global economy and entrepreneurship
In the Journal:
Ekonomika. 2002, t. 60(2), p. 69-78
Inovacijos / Innovations.
Summary / Abstract:

LTEkonomikai įgaunant sparčius pokyčius ir poreikį adaptuotis ekonomikos pokyčių terpėje, straipsnyje aptariamas antreprenerystės reiškinys internacionalizacijos ir globalizacijos procesų kontekste. Pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas globalios ekonomikos ypatumams, antreprenerystei, kaip vieno iš būdų ekonomikai įgyti naujos vertės kūrimo palankias galimybes, tyrinėti. Autorės argumentuoja, kad antreprenerystė yra katalizatorius inovacinės veiklos aktyvinimui ir plėtrai, adekvačiai reaguojant į konkurencinius iššūkius pasaulinėje rinkoje. Tyrimais pagrindžiama antreprenerystės svarba smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo plėtrai Lietuvoje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Antreprenerystės reiškinys; Inovacijos; Internacionalizacijos ir globalizacijos procesai; Entrepreneurship phenomena; Entrepreneurship phenomenon; Innovation; Innovations; Internationalization and globalization processes; Processes of internationalization and globalisation.

ENInternationalization and globalization processes now transform the international economy into a global economy viewing the world, or relevant parts of the world, as a single market consisting of a number of segments defined by the products to be sold. To survive and prosper in it, companies will need to learn how to cope with the new business environment whether their companies are big or small, domestic or international. In the world entrepreneurship is linked at first with small and middle business enterprises. Also entrepreneurship is very actual for appearing of new and risky steps in Lithuania and for stimulation of economics. The experience of many foreign countries confirms significance of SME's for economic growth. Unfortunately, entrepreneurship is not well known in all Lithuania. According to our research, in which directors of Lithuanian's firms took place, a big part of them don't know what entrepreneurship means and it is very bad. Because such a little country as Lithuania, in which there are no a lot resources, could be competitive only if we understand the significance of entrepreneurship. Due the increase of factor mobility the national state may create value added elsewhere, but not in the home country, especially using global innovation system as the basis for further entrepreneurship development. [From the publication]

1392-1258; 2424-6166
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