Suaugusiųjų mokymasis organizacijoje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Suaugusiųjų mokymasis organizacijoje
Alternative Title:
Adult learning in organization
In the Journal:
Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai. 2010, Nr. 4 (29), p. 67-71
Socializacija / Socialization; Suaugusiųjų mokymas / Adult education.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje išsamiai aptariamas suaugusiųjų mokymasis ir analizuojama besimokančios organizacijos sąvoka, aptariamas įvairių mokslininkų požiūris į suaugusiųjų mokymąsi, nagrinėjamos mokymosi formos ir metodai. Straipsnyje apibūdinami besimokančios organizacijos bruožai, aiškinama, kuo tokia organizacija skiriasi nuo nesimokančios. Aptariami besimokančios organizacijos pranašumas už kitas organizacijas laisvosios rinkos sąlygomis. Analizuojama, mokymosi nauda organizacijai ir darbuotojui. Svarstoma, kiek mokymasis padeda efektyvinti organizacijos veiklą, gerinti darbo kokybę. Nagrinėjamas mokymosi aplinkos kūrimas, aptariamos suaugusiųjų ugdymo ir mokymo ypatybės ir metodai. Pristatomas empirinis tyrimas (apklausta 60 respondentų). Analizuojamas andragogų požiūris į nuolatinį mokymąsi. Aiškinamasi, kurios mokymosi formos naudingiausios ir priimtiniausios. Pristatomas respondentų požiūris į mokymosi galimybes bei darbdavių požiūris į besimokančius darbuotojus. Straipsnyje apibendrinta teorinė medžiaga ir empiriniai duomenys leidžia besimokančiai organizacijai priskiriamus bruožus įvertinti praktiškai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Andragogika; Besimokanti organizacija; Nuolatinis mokymasis; So cializacija; Socializacija; Andragogy; Continuos learning; Continuous learning; Learning organization; Socialization.

ENThe article thoroughly discusses the current trend of a modern organization - continuous learning. Many call this society the knowledge society, because modern technology changes the nature and relationships, development of society changes human relationships, person's role in society, the interests and attitudes. Thus, personal training phenomenon is not short-term - it lasts for a lifetime. Learning over a lifetime reflects the crucial feature of modern society. Lifelong learning includes not only the individual but also the organization as a single group of individuals pursuing the aim. Lifelong learning is dictated not only by self-development needs, but also by economic circumstances. It is due to acceleration of global business, its staff or its knowledge, skills and qualifications to improve in order to remain in job, and individuals who wish to successfully stay on the market of businesses and organizations. The article discusses in detail the concept of a learning organization, approach of different scientists to adult learning, issue of the form and methods of learning. The paper analyzes the characteristics of a learning organization and how this organization is different from non-learning organizations. It discusses the advantages of learning organizations in free market over other organizations. It analyzes how the organization and the employee benefit from learning and how it affects the organization's efficiency, quality of work. It investigates learning environment and also discusses adult education and training characteristics and methods.An empirical study, in which 60 respondents were surveyed, is presented. It examines the attitude of respondents to continuous learning, forms of learning and useful choice. It also presents the respondents' approach to opportunities for learning and the employers' approach to the learning employees. [From the publication]

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