Nusikalstamų veikų pavadinimai lietuvių ir anglų kalbomis

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Nusikalstamų veikų pavadinimai lietuvių ir anglų kalbomis
Alternative Title:
Lithuanian and English legal terms denoting criminal activity
In the Journal:
Socialinių mokslų studijos [Societal Studies]. 2009, Nr. 4, p. 357-381
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama 30 lietuviškų terminų, nusakančių nusikalstamas veikas, ir jų atitikmenų anglų kalba. Terminai nagrinėjami dviem aspektais – tiriama jų formalioji sandara ir semantika. Tiriant formaliąją sandarą, terminai skirstomi į formaliuosius tipus, analizuojami ir lyginami terminų sudarymo būdai lietuvių ir anglų kalbomis. Tiriant terminų semantiką, nagrinėjamos teisės dokumentuose apibrėžtos terminų reikšmės bei nustatomi lietuviškus ir angliškus terminus jungiantys ir skiriantys semantiniai požymiai. Kiekvieno skyriaus ir viso straipsnio pabaigoje pateikiami apibendrinimai, bandant įžvelgti dėsningumus, būdingus tiriamųjų kalbų baudžiamosios teisės terminijai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Formalioji sandara; Lyginamoji teisės terminologija; Nusikalstamų veikų pavadinimai; Semantinė struktūra; Comparative legal terminology; Formal structure; Legal terms denoting criminal activity; Semantic structure.

ENThe article deals with a comparative analysis of the legal terms denoting similar criminal activities in the Lithuanian and English languages. One of the aims of the paper is to introduce the main legal terms and notions defined in the newly adopted Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania and to provide their English equivalents. The fact that very often those Lithuanian terms differ from their English counterparts both in their semantic and formal structure encouraged to engage in further research. It allowed to group the terms according to the types of their formal structure and to compare the word-formation and the phrase-formation in Lithuanian and English. Differences in the formal structure of these terms were grouped into four main types: a) Lithuanian and English one-word terms, e. g., genocidas - genocide; b) Lithuanian one-word terms and their multi-word English equivalents, e. g., piktnaudžiavimas - misconduct in public office; c) Lithuanian multi-word terms and their one-word English equivalents, e. g., melagingi parodymai, išvados ir vertimas - perjury; d) Lithuanian and English multi-word terms, e. g., nusikalstamu būdu įgytų pinigų ar turto legalizavimas - money laundering. The etymology of the terms was analysed as well.What is more, a semantic analysis was carried out. It revealed huge differences even between one-word terms in both languages, e. g., Lithuanian terms which cover a limited semantic field in comparison to their English equivalents (marodieriavimas - looting) or vice versa (vagystė - theft). It became apparent that only a small part of the main terms denoting criminal activity share common semantic features. Therefore, it was considered important to analyse and define the semantic features that unify and diversify the nature of the criminal activity terminology in the Lithuanian and English languages. Consequently, several findings from the point-of-view of word-formation, phrase-formation, etymology and semantic composition are discussed in the conclusions of the paper. The offered insights into the different nature of the legal terms denoting criminal activity are believed to be valuable in teaching/learning/using legal Lithuanian and English. [From the publication]

2029-2236; 2029-2244
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