Edukologiniai tyrimai ir dabarties iššūkių kaita

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
  • Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
  • Anglų kalba / English
Edukologiniai tyrimai ir dabarties iššūkių kaita
Alternative Title:
Educological research in the change of contemporary challenges
In the Journal:
Profesinis rengimas: tyrimai ir realijos [Vocational training: research and realities]. 2006, Nr. 11, p. 10-17
Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania).
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje apžvelgiama doktorantūros studijų pokyčiai, sukelti Bolonijos deklaracijos ir jos inicijuotų dokumentų. Analizuojama Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto per dešimt metų sukaupta edukologijos daktatų rengimo patirtis: daktaro disertacijose tiriamų problemų aktualumas ir kaita, doktorantų skaičiaus dinamika ir kt. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Edukologijos doktorantūra; Daktaro disertacija; Doktorantūra; Doctoral studies in education; Doctoral dissertations.

ENThe article presents an overview of the changes in doctoral studies as a result of the Bologna declaration and the follow up documents. The development of Bologna declaration has focused the attention to the relationship between higher education and science, which presuppose new requirements for doctoral studies. The production of VPU doctoral students in Education under the changes of the doctoral study paradigm is considerable, however not indiscrete. The present study analyses the experience accumulated while preparing doctors in Education at Vilnius Pedagogical University: the relevance and change in the research problems analysed in doctor dissertations, the dynamics in the number of doctoral students and other issues. A part of the posed problems can be solved by programmable admission to doctoral studies, discerning the problems relevant for education and higher education policy strategy as well as attracting attention to the existing experience of the applicants and practically significant problems.

1392-6241; 2029-8447
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