Muzikos mokytojo kompetencijos Europos kvalifikacijų sandaroje

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Muzikos mokytojo kompetencijos Europos kvalifikacijų sandaroje
Alternative Title:
Competencies of music teacher in the European qualification framework
In the Journal:
Pedagogika. 2011, 102, p. 116-123
Summary / Abstract:

LTEuropos Sąjungos dokumentuose, skirtuose vieningai aukštojo mokslo kvalifikacijų sandarai kurti, kvalifikacijų pripažinimas įvardijamas kaip viena pagrindinių užduočių. Dokumentuose akcentuojama kvalifikacijų struktūros dermė Europos ir nacionaliniu lygmeniu. Muzikos mokytojo kompetencijos yra vieningos Europos kvalifikacijų sandaros (EKS) dalis, todėl svarbu muzikos mokytojo kompetencijas aptarti atsižvelgiant į Europos kvalifikacijų struktūrą ir kitus mokytojų kompetencijų modelius. Šiame straipsnyje pateikiamame Muzikos mokytojo kompetencijų apraše apibūdinamas meno pedagogikos muzikos bakalauro kvalifikacinis laipsnis, atsižvelgiant į Europos kvalifikacijų sandaros struktūrą, t. y. nurodoma, kokias kompetencijas būtina ugdyti siekiant sėkmingai dirbti pasirinktoje profesinėje srityje. Remiantis šiuo aprašu, nustatyta muzikos mokytojo kompetencijų dermė (atitikimas) atsižvelgiant į Europos kvalifikacijų sandarą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Muzikos mokytojas; Veiklos sritys; Kompetencijos; Studijų rezultatai; Kvalifikacijų sandara; Music teacher; Field of activity; Competency; Study outcome; Qualification.

ENDiscussing the structure of teacher’s competencies, A Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area (EQF) singles out cognitive, functional, personal and ethic competencies. The basis of teacher’s competencies in Lithuania consists of common cultural, professional, general and specific (subject) competencies. The Framework of European Qualifications links competence with individual’s responsibility and autonomy and embrace a wider combination of competencies. Referring to music teacher training at university, there is no common document (standard of training music teachers of the 6th level qualification), which could provide for the knowledge, skills and abilities that have to be acquired to ensure successful activity of music teachers in general education schools. Defining the research problem it should be emphasised that while integrating into the structures of European Higher Education Area, music teachers should acquire such competencies that reflect common European principles for teacher competencies (Common European Principles for Teacher Competences and Qualifications, 2005). The analysis of higher education and professional activity interaction and methodology of competency research is of high importance and it aims to define spheres of music teacher activity and components of competency (study outcome). All this requires the necessity to address general requirements that are provided in the descriptor of competencies for a teacher of music. The Descriptor of Competencies for a Teacher of Music should enable future music teachers to better (self-) evaluate their possibilities to work as music teachers in general education schools. This Descriptor could serve as a general document establishing common goals of music pedagogy studies and consistently improving the content of music teacher training.The aim of the research was to reveal the content of music teacher’s competencies and to design the descriptor of competencies for a teacher of music. Research methods: analysis of scientific sources, document analysis, modelling, comparison analysis, expert method. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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