Naujosios viešosios vadybos taikymo galimybės šalies vietos savivaldos sistemoje esant dabartinei teisinei bazei

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Naujosios viešosios vadybos taikymo galimybės šalies vietos savivaldos sistemoje esant dabartinei teisinei bazei
Alternative Title:
Opportunities of applying a new public management model in the local adminsitration system of the Republic of Lithuania
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje apžvelgiamos naujosios viešosios valdybos taikymo prielaidos bei galimybės šalies vietos savivaldos sistemoje esant dabartinei teisinei bazei. Pristatomas naujosios viešosios vadybos modelis, jo pagrindiniai principai, pateikiama įvairių autorių nuomonė. Straipsnyje aptariami Lietuvos Respublikos norminiai aktai, kuriuose užfiksuoti veiksniai, tiesiogiai arba netiesiogiai turintys įtakos tokio vadybos modelio principų pritaikymo galimybėms šalies vietos savivaldoje. [Iš leidinio]

ENIn many countries of management development in to the public sector is becoming important. Different authors treat the this concept public management differently. One group understands it as an absolutely new idea. which links general tendencies dominating in many countries and an the while the modernizing the public sector. Others say that the New public management system is not a new idea: it is found in theoretical works. However scientific literature says that the New public management has no independent theoretical background, its theoretical base consists of two parts: public opinion theory and management. Talking about standard basis which regulates the dominating system of local administration in the Republic of Lithuania, the author has analyzed only the acts of law that state the position of the country on the dominating system of local administration, i. e.. law acts stating the main reform aspects in the public sector. Noteworthy points of this strategy fixed in law acts are: the slate longterm development strates}. Public administration development strategy until 2010. Lithuanian regional policy strategy until 2013, balanced national development strategy. Not less important are other law acts: the Lithuanian Republic's government program for 2004-2008 confirmed by some central government institutions and carried out the functions of the decentralization and déconcentration conception and realization of the first step of this conception by all confirmed means.Presently working laws that regulate local administration in the Republic of Lithuanian sometimes have arguing points: how efficiently new management development is applied in the public sector, by what means and where in local administration. It seems that the present valid law acts are prepared on standard basis, what should help to apply a Newpublic management model in the local administration system of the Republic of Lithuania. [From the publication]

1648-9098; 2424-337X
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