Bešeimių vaikų socialinis-kognityvinis patyrimas globos institucijose

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Bešeimių vaikų socialinis-kognityvinis patyrimas globos institucijose
Alternative Title:
Social-cognitive experience children's without a family in guardianship institutions
In the Journal:
Tiltai. Priedas. 2002, Nr. 11, p. 11-16. Edukologija: problemos ir perspektyvos
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiame straipsnyje aptariama socialinio-kognityvinio patyrimo sąvoka, nagrinėjamos jo ištakos. Pateiktas tyrimas rodo, kad pedagogai globos institucijose ne visada remiasi vaiko socialine-kognityvine patyrimo sankaupa. Darbas grindžiamas įvairios socialinių mokslų literatūros šaltinių analise, įvairiapusėmis įžvalgomis, kurios straipsnio pabaigoje reziumuojamos atskirais teiginiais. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Socialinis -kognityvinis patyrimas; Socialinis elgesys; Socialinis elgesys. Bešeimis vaikas; Socialinis-kognityvinis patyrimas; A child without family; Social behaviour; Social-cognitive experience; Social-cognitive experience of the social behavior.

ENThe society and the State should create for the development of the children without a family such conditions that they were able to support the society physically, morally and materially in the future. So the investigation of the problems of children without a family is an actual problem today and it will remain actual in the future. The actuality of the problem increases due to the fact that today the guardianship institutions are not quite ready to look after and develop the children taken to such institutions due to different reasons. Besides, the old authoritarian model of the school formed during many years still exists and this does not help to solve complicated problems of the children without a family. The contents and philosophy of the asylum as the guardianship institutions have not changed. The people working in such institutions usually are not able to settle the problems taken by the children from complicated families and the problems of such institutions (social, emotional deprivation, violence, parting and loss of the family, social adaptation of the children, etc.). The analysis of the results of investigation and conclusions supplement the science of educology with new results of the social, psychological and pedagogic peculiarities of the education of children in the guardianship institutions. The results of the investigation are significant for the institutions training social personnel and teachers and improving the curriculum and are interested in improving the qualification of the pedagogues.The main socialization institute of a child without a family is an asylum. The child comes with a definite experience of social life and cultural basis. But the teachers are not still making efforts to acknowledge that the child has equal rights as a partner of the general activities and make conditions for his wide activities. The guardianship institutions shall attempt to create for the child without a family conditions for the communication with adults and other children of the same age. The investigation proved that when the child gets into the family (the tutor family) with a favorable environment, he reaches the same level of the other children of his age grown in the tutor or nuclear family. [Text from author]

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