Ekspertinio vertinimo kaip kokybinio tyrimo taikymas vertinant turizmo vadybos studentų socialinę kompetenciją

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ekspertinio vertinimo kaip kokybinio tyrimo taikymas vertinant turizmo vadybos studentų socialinę kompetenciją
Alternative Title:
Application of expert evaluation for tourism manager social competence assessment
In the Journal:
Mokslas ir edukaciniai procesai [Science and process of education]. 2009, Nr. 1 (7), p. 27-43
Turizmas / Tourism.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje atskleidžiama socialinės kompetencijos koncepcija, pagrindžiamas jos daugiadimensiškumas. Atliekant empirinį tyrimą pagrįstas ekspertinio vertinimo kaip kokybinio tyrimo taikymas. Turizmo vadybos studentų socialinės kompetencijos plėtojimas vertinamas remiantis turizmo srities ekspertų požiūriu, nuomone ir patirtimi. Išskiriamos turizmo vadybos studentų socialinės kompetencijos plėtojimo sritys. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ekspertinis vertinimas; Socialinės kompetencijos vertinimas; Turizmo vadybos studentų socialinė kompetencija; Assessment of social competence; Expert evaluation; Tourism manager social competence.

ENThis article reveals the concept of social competence and proves its multidimensional manner. Empirical research allowed revealing the peculiarities of expert evaluation as a qualitative research method. The development of tourism manager social competence was assessed on the basis of tourism expert views, opinions and experiences. The research gave an opportunity to categorise qualitative data and point out main areas of tourism manager social competence development. On the basis of scientific literature synthesis specialist social competence is understood as social, motoric, communicative, and perceptive skills. In other words, it is individual abilities to create and maintain relations with others not only in individual, but work context as well. Scientific literature synthesis shows that different social competence definitions give a clear understanding of a multidimensional concept. On the qualitative research basis experts point out problematic areas of modelling tourism manager social competence. They are tourism management study organization, study method application, and external relationship maintenance. While stressing partial adequacy of tourism manager social competence level and employee expectations, experts point out the lack of independent work skills and creation of competitive environment, since people do not pay so much attention to social competence. Usually there is a gap between employer and employee social competence level. On the basis of expert evaluation areas of tourism manager social competence development were point out: communication, collaboration, work environment, situation management, and value development. [From the publication]

1822-4644; 2345-0681
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2013-04-28 20:39:48
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