Interaction between employee's interests and attitude towards work as well as influence when forming career

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
Interaction between employee's interests and attitude towards work as well as influence when forming career
Alternative Title:
Darbuotojo interesų ir požiurio į darbą sąveika bei įtaka formuojant karjerą
In the Journal:
Inžinerinė ekonomika [Engineering Economics]. 2009, Nr. 5 (65), p. 48-55
Darbuotojai / Workers; Karjera / Career.
Summary / Abstract:

LT[...] Mokslinės literatūros analizė parodė, kad darbuotojo požiūris į darbą bei interesų nustatymas ir analizė siekiant suformuoti karjerą, atitinkančią šiuolaikinės organizacijos ir darbuotojų lūkesčius, yra aktuali vadybos mokslo darbuotojo ir organizacijos interesų derinimo problema. Mokslinis naujumas - darbuotojų interesų tyrimas darbuotojų požiūrio į darbą kontekste. Tyrimo objektas – darbuotojų interesai, požiūris į darbą, karjerą. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti darbuotojų požiurio į darbą ir interesų sąveika bei jų įtaka karjerai. Tyrimo metodas – mokslinėje literatūroje paskelbtų koncepcijų ir išvadų sisteminė, loginė ir lyginamoji analizė, anketinė apklausa, išvadų formulavimas. Atlikta individo bendrųjų orientacijų teorinė analizė leido pagrįsti darbuotojų požiurio į darbą ir jų svarbiausių interesų sąsajų tyrimą. Tyrimas atliktas individo lygmeniu. Tyrimo modelyje išskirtos trys darbuotojų požiurio į darbą kryptys: gyvenu, kad dirbčiau; dirbu, kad galėčiau gyventi; darbas svarbus, tačiau neturi trukdyti asmeniniam gyvenimui. Tyrimu bus aiškinamasi, kokius interesus išskiria darbuotojai, kurių skirtingas požiuris į darbą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Darbuotojų interesai; Karjera; Požiūris į darbą; Attitude toward work; Attitude towards work; Career; Employee's interests; Employees interests.

ENWith a constantly changing environment and an increasing competition, organizations face new challenges. In order to meet customers' requirements and ensure the growth of activity and finance results, organizations are interested in quality improvement, in the increase of the quality of work as well as in the implementation of new technologies and modern working methods. The meeting of the above mentioned interests could be reached only by organizations having necessary competences, which are created by the workers of enterprises. The most important thing is that every employee should to the maximum open up his potential as well as effectively use personal and professional competences when striving to coordinate the objectives of an organization. At present, the importance of employee (as the most important factor of the activity of an organization) showed up in the development of management theory. Only properly motivated and able to meet his interests, an employee strives for better working results. Organizations face a number of problems connected with human resources management, they are as follows: how to attract necessary competitive employees and what measures should be taken in order to hold these employees; how to properly stimulate employees and what measures should be predicted for the meeting of employees' interests. The limited resources and possibilities of organizations handicap the situation. In order to obtain optimal results the coordination of interests should be striven for.One of the possible interests of coordination measures can be the modern career system allowing clearing up personnel's interests and integrating various possibilities, which coordinate interests. It is not so easy for organizations to evaluate employees' interests. Employees' interests are defined by a number of personal and demographical characteristics. Employees' interests constantly change subjected to the social economic changes occurring in the environment. Interests expressed by the employees are determined by common orientations of individual and attitude towards work. The article considers the actual problem of the management science - formation of modern career on the ground of interest coordination. The question of the employee's interests in modern career is analysed in the article written by Ciutiene, Sakalas and Neverauskas "Influence of personnel interests on formation of modern career" (2007). In this article interests are analysed in the aspect of the attitude towards work, i.e. it was solved how interests forming employee’s career vary subject to the employee's sacrifice in the name of his work. The carried out empirical research showed that employees, expressing different attitudes, motivate their main interests with different priorities. It only confirms that every employee is unique and an organization should create possibilities for the realization of individual interests. It should be noted that the differences of employees' interests determined during the investigation should not be considered as typical in the context of today's Lithuania subject to the indicated attitude towards work. The research should be carried out to a larger extent. [From the publication]

1392-2785; 2029-5839
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