Ugdomojo mokymo retrospektyva ir dabartis : (V. Rajecko "Ugdomojo mokymo" ir konstruktyvizmo paralelės)

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ugdomojo mokymo retrospektyva ir dabartis: (V. Rajecko "Ugdomojo mokymo" ir konstruktyvizmo paralelės)
Alternative Title:
Retrospective of educational teaching and its present : (Parallels of V. Rajeckas "Ugdomasis mokymas" and constructivism)
In the Journal:
Pedagogika. 2008, 89, p. 11-17
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama ugdomojo mokymo samprata ir raida. Aptariami esminiai ugdomojo mokymo požymiai, iškelti V. Rajecko „Ugdomajame mokyme“ (1999), atskleidžiamos jų sąsajos su konstruktyvistine mokymo teorija, daugiausia atliepiančia dabarties iššūkius švietimui, bet ne paneigiančia ugdomąjį mokymą, o artėjančia prie jo. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ugdomasis mokymas; Konstruktyvizmas; Lavinimas; Auklėjimas; žinios; Educational teaching; Constructivism; Training; Upbringing; Knowledge.

ENThe article analyses the concept of educational teaching and its development since the antiquity and highlights the contributions of the most prominent pedagogy scholars of the 17th–19th centuries to this theory of teaching. In this context the most relevant components presented in the book “Ugdomasis mokymas“ by V. Rajeckas are analysed: a) emphasis on the importance of knowledge, b) perception of teaching and learning as a means of developing individuality at school age; c) increase in educative effect of teaching. The process how educational teaching reveals the essential links between development and upbringing is revealed. The article also emphasises the importance of active involvement of a school learner and a teacher in the process of cognition and the effect of educator’s personality on the constructive interaction and internalisation of values. The constructive teaching theory, which is based on the active involvement of school learners and their acquired experience and schemes of thinking, is presented. The emphasis is laid on the dynamics of learning and interaction of factors determining it, which is defined as radical, operational, pragmatic and social constructivism. The latter, in particular, expands the functions of learning implicating the role of teachers and peer learners in this process and, next to construction of knowledge, focuses on formation of psychical and social skills and, thus, satisfies the propositions of educational teaching. The educational teaching remains the main paradigm, which creates preconditions for approaching its fundamentals in various aspects and is included into the classics of theory of education as satisfying the differences in opinions of the times. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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