Ekonominių veiksnių poveikis Lietuvos nekilnojamojo turto rinkai 2015-2021 metais

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ekonominių veiksnių poveikis Lietuvos nekilnojamojo turto rinkai 2015-2021 metais
Alternative Title:
Impact of economic factors on the Lithuanian real estate market in 2015-2021
In the Journal:
Regional formation and development studies. 2023, Nr. 1 (39), p. 58-71
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje tiriami ir analizuojami ekonominiai veiksniai ir jų poveikis Lietuvos nekilnojamojo turto rinkai 2015–2021 metais. Siekiama nustatyti pagrindinius ekonominius veiksnius ir įvertinti jų įtaką Lietuvos nekilnojamojo turto (NT) rinkai analizuojamuoju laikotarpiu. Siekiant šio tikslo teoriškai apibrėžiama NT samprata, struktūra ir cikliškumas. Analizuojami ir didžiausią poveikį NT rinkai turintys ekonominiai veiksniai: bendrasis vidaus produktas (BVP), infliacijos ir nedarbo lygis, darbo užmokestis (DU) ir palūkanų norma. Teorinė analizė atskleidė, kad BVP, DU ir infliacijos didėjimas, nedarbo lygio ir palūkanų normos mažėjimas kelia nekilnojamojo turto kainas. NT kainos mažėja, esant atvirkštinei ekonominių veiksnių tendencijai. Tiriamojoje analitinėje dalyje apžvelgiama Lietuvos nekilnojamojo turto rinkos ir makroekonominių šalies rodiklių dinamika tiriamuoju laikotarpiu. Atlikta koreliacinė-regresinė analizė atskleidė, kad nekilnojamojo turto rinką labiausiai veikia BVP vienam gyventojui ir darbo užmokestis. Mažiausiai reikšmingas ryšys pastebimas tarp infliacijos ir kitų nagrinėtų nekilnojamojo turto rodiklių. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: makroekonominiai veiksniai, nekilnojamojo turto rinka, poveikis, analizė. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe relevance of the topic and the scientific problem: The real estate market is an important part of the economy of every state, and a structural element which has a special impact on economic development. Trends in the real estate market are dynamic, and are determined by the country’s overall economic situation, changing societal needs, and cultural environment. In addition, the real estate market is closely related to other economic and social phenomena, the residential housing stock, changes in the construction sector, and development opportunities. In recent years, analysts, economists and scientists have been analysing which economic factors have the greatest influence on the real estate market, and how each factor affects it differently. That is why, due to the importance of this aspect to the country, companies and residents, it is appropriate to study the impact of economic factors on the real estate market in Lithuania. The aim of the article: To assess the impact of economic factors on the Lithuanian real estate market in 2015–2021. The article consists of two main parts. The first part defines theoretically the concept, structure and cyclical nature of real estate. The economic factors that have the greatest impact on the real estate market are also analysed and identified: gross domestic product (GDP), the inflation rate, the unemployment rate, wages, and interest rates. The theoretical analysis shows that rising GDP, wages and inflation and falling unemployment and interest rates are pushing up real estate prices. Real estate prices fall when there is an inverse trend in economic factors.In the second part of the work, in the research-analytical part, the dynamics of the Lithuanian real estate market and macroeconomic indicators of the country in 2015–2021 are reviewed. The construction of residential buildings in the Lithuanian real estate market increased during the period analysed, but the construction of non-residential buildings decreased. The volumes of purchase and sale transactions show that more apartments and individual houses were purchased during the analysed period compared to 2015. The price index shows that the largest price increase was in 2019. The correlation-regression analysis performed shows that the real estate market is most affected by GDP per capita and wages. The least significant relationship is observed between inflation and other real estate indicators that were examined. Keywords: macroeconomic indicators, real estate market, impact, analysis. [From the publication]

2029-9370; 2351-6542
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