Savavaldžiavimo nusikaltimo ir civilinių teisių savigynos santykis

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Savavaldžiavimo nusikaltimo ir civilinių teisių savigynos santykis
Alternative Title:
Relationship between self-willed conduct and self-defence of civil rights
In the Journal:
Teisė. 2014, t. 92, p. 126-136
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje tiriamas savavaldžiavimo nusikaltimo ir civilinių teisių savigynos santykis, jų panašumai ir skirtumai. Analizuojama savigalbos samprata, jos, savigynos ir savavaldžiavimo santykis. Nagrinėjamos savigynos įgyvendinimo sąlygos, jų pažeidimo teisiniai padariniai. [Iš leidinio]

ENIn line with the existing legal regulation in the Republic of Lithuania, self-defence is considered to be a somewhat permissible, i.e. not prohibited, self-willed conduct. This leads to numerous similarities between self-defence and self-willed conduct, which cause difficulties in delimiting situations where a person exercises his/her right of self-defence from those where he/she engages in self-willed conduct. The present article refers to specialized literature and aims at revealing the relationship between self-defence of civil rights and offence by self-willed conduct, their similarities and differences. The objective is to better understand these phenomena, differentiate between civil and criminal liability for self-willed conduct in Lithuania. Having performed the research, the author argues that self-defence and self-willed conduct are ways of self-help. Therefore, the author concludes that should a person violate conditions for self-defence and cause major damages to another person, his/her activities are to be qualified as self-willed conduct in accordance with Article 294, paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania. When determining whether the actions of a person overstepping the limits of self-defence are consistent with attributes of a self-willed conduct resulting in major damages to rights or legitimate interests of another person, damages within the limits of self-defence should not be taken into account, i.e. it is necessary to assess only the damages that overstep the limits of self-defence. [From the publication]

1392-1274; 2424-6050
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