Asmeninės karjeros plėtros ir mokymosi visą gyvenimą vadybiniai aspektai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Asmeninės karjeros plėtros ir mokymosi visą gyvenimą vadybiniai aspektai
Alternative Title:
Aspects of personal career development and life-long education management
In the Journal:
Tiltai. Priedas. 2002, Nr. 11, p. 75-81. Edukologija: problemos ir perspektyvos
Karjera / Career; Pedagogika / Pedagogy; Valdymas / Management.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojamos prielaidos, lemiančios tradicines (organizacinės, biurokratinės) karjeros nykimą ir asmeninės karjeros modelio atsiradimą ir sklaidą užsienyje bei Lietuvoje. Nagrinėjami dėl to atsirandantys nauji reikalavimai siekiantiems karjeros individams, akcentuojant ne tik asmenines savybes ir profesinę kvalifikaciją, bet ir vis didesnę reikšmę įgyjančią asmens vadybinę (savivados) kompetenciją. Apibrėžiami šiuolaikinės asmenybės, gebančios savarankiškai ir racionaliai valdyti savo karjeros ir mokymosi visą gyvenimą plėtrą, ugdymo(si) strategijos parametrai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Asmeninė karjera; Karjera; Karjeros plėtra; Mokymasis visą gyvenimą; Mokymasis visą gyvenimą, vadyba; Savivada; Vadyba; Career; Career development; Career, Personal Career, Career Development, Lifelong Learning, Management, self-directed; Life long learning; Life-long learning; Management; Personal career.

ENIntegrity of career development and life-long education processes is analyzed in the context of modem social and economic preconditions. The need to acquire self-management competence for every person willing to achieve personal satisfaction and social integration is stated at the centre of the study. The main goal of the publication is to reveal theoretical and integral aspects of personal career and life-long education management. The object of the study is preconditions and strategy for development of self-management competence in personal career and life-long education. The first chapter of the article is dedicated to the investigation of changes in modem societies, affecting new organizational structures, career philosophy and resulting in spread of personal career model. Self-managing person is proclaimed as a model of contemporary social and cultural life, and as a new ideal of education. In the next chapter main attention is granted to characteristics of the self-managing life-long learner and career developer (strong identity, motivation, autonomy, rationality, etc.). Main parameters of the self-managed learner and career developer are described in the last section of the research work (guiding principles, career education policy formation, the main structural parts and curriculum promotion recommendations). It is stated that main tendencies taking place in modem societies are observable in Lithuania too. But their action in the country brings more complications for persons because of their previous experience acquired through period of living in the society with strong sociocentristic orientation and bureaucratic management. [Text from author]

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