Turiningasis teisinio teksto aiškinimas – panacėja ar pavojus?

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Turiningasis teisinio teksto aiškinimas – panacėja ar pavojus?
Alternative Title:
Thoughtful disquisition of legal text – panacea or risk?
In the Journal:
Jurisprudencija [Jurisprudence]. 2006, Nr. 8 (86), p. 63-70
Teisės mokslas / Legal science.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje tiriama teisinio teksto aiškinimo reikšmė teisės veikimui. Analizuojamas teisinio interpretavimo procesas teisės normų ir teisės principų derinimo požiūriu. Atkreipiamas dėmesys į Lietuvoje ryškėjančią tendenciją plėsti teisėjų laisvės ribas interpretuojant teisinius tekstus ir iš to kylantį teisinio subjektyvizmo pavojų. Atskleidžiama teismų sprendimų argumentavimo stoka ir teisės doktrinos nebuvimas kaip tiesioginės kliūtys veikti teisėtų lūkesčių principui. Pateikiami teisminės praktikos pavyzdžiai, atspindintys nagrinėjamas problemas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Teisinio teksto aiškinimas; Teisinis subjektyvizmas; Teisės doktrina; Teisės principai; Teisėtų lūkesčių principas; Interpretation of legal text; Legal subjectivism, the principle of rightful expectations and doctrine of law; Legal subjektivism; Principles of law; The principle of rightful expectations and doctrine of law.

ENThe author analyses the importance of interpretation of legal text for the functioning of law. The different types of interpretation are discussed aiming to determine their features and interaction. The article deals with the procedure of legal interpretation considering the approximation of legal norms and legal principles. In Lithuania the prevailing tendency to expand the limits of judge’s freedom in interpretation of legal text and the occurring risks of legal subjectivism are noticeable. The author emphasises that the interpretation of legal text should originate from the logical-linguistic analysis of text. The thoughtful disquisition of legal text should be applied for elimination of insufficiency of logical – linguistic interpretation and for reviewing the propriety of outcomes of interpretation. The thoughtful disquisition of legal text permits to evaluate the determined legal norms from the ethical – social context viewpoint and proceeds as the combination of legal norms and legal principles. When the incompatibleness of legal norms and legal principles is determined, the interpreter gains the competence to depart from legal text. However, principles of law are the categories of eminently highness of abstraction and their content may be construed variously.In any case, any obliquity from the legal text should be reasoned. The encouragement of activity of judges construing legal text might be associated with evaluation of functioning of various elements. Exclusive attention should be paid to legal education and nurturance of legal doctrine, consolidation of legal philosophy positions at the universities, formation of undivided judicial practice and continuous information about it. The examples of judicial practice discovered in the article testify there are no settled clear standards of argumentation of legal text in Lithuania, what encumbers the effect of rightful expectations principle. [Text from author]

1392-6195; 2029-2058
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