Etymologisches zu den Namen der Schwingel (Festuca spp.)

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Vokiečių kalba / German
Etymologisches zu den Namen der Schwingel (Festuca spp.)
Alternative Title:
Etymological remarks on names of Fescue (Festuca spp.)
In the Journal:
Baltu filoloģija. 2008, t. 17, Nr. 1/2, p. 61-72
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Augalų vardai; Baltų kalbos; Botanikos terminai; Daryba; Etimologija; Sinonimai; Skolinys; Įvardijimas; Baltic languages; Borrow; Botanic terms; Etymology; Nomination; Plant names; Synonyms; Word-formation.

ENThe article favours the explanation that Lat. festūca together with Lat. ferula have their origin in IE *bh es-. The meaning of IE *bh es- is suggested as 'to claw, gnaw' instead of 'to chew' as proposed by LIV. Thus, the plant names ferula and festūca would have arisen as a result of the plants' use for brooms and switches. Sanskrit bhas 'to chew, eat' and PPP bhasita 'burnt to ashes' should be connected with bhas 'ashes' as well. Among idioms containing fire or ashes one considers e.g. NHG vom Feuer verzehrt 'fig. eaten by fire' or Lith. ugnies praryta 'swallowed by fire' but not words with a meaning 'to chew'. The Lithuanian name eraičinas for the genus Festuca has been proposed by Pabrėža. He cre¬ ated some completely new plant names out of names of pagan deities recorded by Lasickis in the 16t h century. It is remarkable that Pabrėža, a Catholic priest, followed the antique model in such a manner. In this case the entry Kurvvaiczin Eraiczin agnellorum est deus served as base. Eraiczin is likely mistaken for *Eraicziu [dievas] 'lambs' god' and cognate to modern Lithuanian ėriukas 'lamb'. Because Festuca ovina is the gender's typus and other species of the genus are suitable as sheep's pasture as well, Pabrėža may have chosen a name related to the word for sheep. Therefore, ėraičinas instead of eraičinas would be more appropriate.Lithuanian pominis 'Festuca spp.' and pamienis 'Dactylis glomerata' are considered different forms of the same name and related to Lith. minti 'to boot, tramp down'. These plants grow especially where cattle etc. are grazing and tramping on the ground. A new etymology for Lith. priemenė 'hallway, vestibule' considers -menė as belonging to minti as well, naming the place next to the entrance which in fact is most tramped on. Beside Latv. dial. salmene 'Festuca sp.' there are salmpuke, salmene etc. 'Helichrysum arenarium'. These names are derived from Latv. salms with a lot of cognate forms in other languages, e.g. OPr. salme 'straw', Pol. slama 'straw', NHG Halm. Probably, Lith. šlamutis 'Helichrysum arenarium' was modified from *šalmutis by folk etymology on the basis of Lith. šlamėti 'to rustle, to murmur, to make noise'. Latv. auzene is a derivation from auzas 'oats' referring to their somehow similar habitus. Similar behave Lith. padirsė 'Festuca sp.' : dirsė 'Bromus sp.' and Lith. smilga 'Agrostis' but also 'Poa sp., Lolium sp., Festuca sp.'. [From the publication]

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