5-6 metų vaikų kūrybiškumas : pedagogų ir tėvų požiūris

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
5-6 metų vaikų kūrybiškumas: pedagogų ir tėvų požiūris
Alternative Title:
Creativity education of 5-6 year old children in pre-school education institutions and family
In the Journal:
Pedagogika. 2009, 96, p. 95-102
Kuršėnai; Šiauliai. Šiaulių kraštas (Šiauliai region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Ikimokyklinis ugdymas / Pre-school education; Kūrybiškumas / Creativity; Pedagogika / Pedagogy; Ugdymas / Education; Vaikai / Children.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje apžvelgiamos 5 - 6 metų vaikų kūrybiškumo ugdymo aspektai tėvų ir pedagogų požiūriu. Išryškinami kūrybiškumo sąvokos ypatumai bei pedagogo vaidmuo, ugdant vaikų kūrybiškumą. Analizuojami kūrybiškumą skatinantys ir slopinantys veiksniai. Aptariami empirinio tyrimo rezultatai ir pateikiamos išvados, siekiant atskleisti tėvų ir pedagogų požiūrį į 5 - 6 metų vaikų kūrybiškumo ugdymą. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad pedagogai ir tėvai skatina ir tobulina vaikų kūrybiškumą, nori, kad vaikas taptų kūrybiška asmenybė, mąstytų kūrybiškai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Vaikas; Kūrybiškumas; Ugdymas; Ikimokyklinė įstaiga; Šeima; Child; Creativity; Education; Preschool institution; Family.

ENAll years o f the child's life are equally important for child's development and education; however, many researchers (I. Becker-Textor (2001), O. Monkevičienė (2002) agree that pre-school education gives most possibilities to act spontaneously, i.e. creatively. The concept of creativity is defined variously but most authors agree that it is the person's ability to discover new things. Creativity, ability to explore, analyze, and experience the joy of cognition is one of the forces without which a human being can not exist. A child's creativity is increased by the need of cognition which stimulates self-cognition and cognition of the worid, and the natural need for self-expression. What the child experiences in this period of life, often determines the course of development of his personality, therefore, it is essential to start educating the child's creativity from the first days in the pre-school education institution. Therefore the aim of this work is to reveal the possibilities of creativity education of 5 - 6 year old children in pre-school education institutions and family. The aim was determined by the following tasks: to reveal the theoretical aspects of creativity concept; to analyze the factors stimulating and holding down creativity; to discuss the role of the teacher in the process of creativity development; to analyze pedagogues' and parents' opinion about 5 - 6 year old children's creativity education possibilities in a preschool education institution and in family. Analysis of scientific literature, questionnaires, and analysis of statistical data lead to the aim. Questionnaires were answered by 50 parents raising 5 - 6 year old children, and 50 pre-school education pedagogues working in kindergartens „Nykštukas", „Eglutė" in Kuršėnai (Šiauliai district), and in Daugeliai kindergarten.After completion of scientific literature analysis and empirical research, it can be concluded that both, pedagogues and parents, try to stimulate and develop children's creativity, and want pupils to become creative personalities. Therefore, they create a rich and diverse environment which contributes to education of children's emotional and value systems. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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