Theoretical model of employee social identification in organization managing crisis situations

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
Theoretical model of employee social identification in organization managing crisis situations
Alternative Title:
Darbuotojo socialinio identifikavimosi organizacijoje, valdant krizines situacijas, teorinis modelis
In the Journal:
Inžinerinė ekonomika [Engineering Economics]. 2009, Nr. 4 (64), p. 95-102
Panevėžys; Lietuva (Lithuania); Politinė ideologija / Political ideology; Valdymas / Management.
Summary / Abstract:

LT[...] Įvertinus mokslinėje literatūroje aprašomus krizinių situacijų valdymo modelius, siekiama atsakyti į klausimą: kaip optimaliai valdyti darbuotojo socialinio identifikavimosi proceso virsme atsirandančias krizines situacijas? Darbo objektas: darbuotojo socialinis identifikavimasis organizacijoje, valdant krizines situacijas. Darbo dalykas: krizinių situacijų valdymo organizacijoje teorinis modelis. Darbo tikslas: pristatyti individo socialinio identifikavimosi, valdant krizines situacijas organizacijoje, teorinį modelį. Darbo tikslas yra detalizuojamas uždaviniais, lėmusiais straipsnio struktūrą: visų pirma teoriškai pagrindžiamos darbuotojų identifikavimosi organizacijoje strategijos dimensijos; pateikiami krizinių situacijų valdymo modeliai; pateikiamas empirinis tyrimas (atliekamas kombinuotas tyrimas, taikant du tyrimo metodus: anketinę apklausą: siekiama nustatyti darbuotojų identifikavimosi organizacijoje priklausomybės dimensijų raišką, ir struktūrinį interviu: leidžia įvardyti organizacijos krizinių situacijų valdymo kryptis); pateikiamas naujas teorinis konstruktas – socialinio identifikavimosi, valdant krizines situacijas organizacijoje, modelis. Darbo metodiką, kuri padėjo išspręsti minėtus uždavinius, sudaro mokslinė literatūros analizė, anketinė apklausa, struktūrinis interviu, duomenų sisteminimo metodas.[...] Aptarus mokslinę literatūrą ir atlikus kombinuoto tyrimo duomenų analizę, buvo pasiūlytas optimalus darbuotojo socialinio identifikavimosi organizacijoje, valdant krizines situacijas, teorinis modelis. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Identifikavimosi strategija; Indentifikavimosi strategija; Krizių valdymas; Socialinio identifikavimosi proceso virsmas; Socialinio indentifikavimosi poveikio virsmas; Teorinis modelis; Crisis management; Identification process; Identification strategy; Theoretical model; Transformation of social identification process.

EN[…] Employee social identification in an organization actualizes one of the socium expression aspects in the labour environment. When employee social identification is unsatisfactory and inadequate, the possibility for crisis situation grows up and it needs to be controlled operatively to avoid the crisis. […] The authors claim that the main attention should be paid to the individual, improving his professional skills, developing his competencies, that help him successfully identify in an organization and enables to integrate in the labour activities in the nearest future. This is the essential principle of crisis situation management and decision making. The principle requires to evaluate the processes of employee socialization, individualization and adaptation as well as to form the expression of employee identification in an organization. Recent scientific literature deals mainly with the problems of crisis in a company in the economic aspects. […] The social aspect of this phenomenon is less presented. […] Analyzing the mentioned phenomena – the employee social identification and crisis management – the methodological difficulties appear: the design of research instrument, analysis presentation. Every manager should know the weakest areas in personnel management and have the prepared identification strategy, which will relieve the adaptation of a new member in an organization, its aims and value process and influence on the performance efficiency and satisfaction of the work seeking to control a crisis situation. Difficult business environment stimulates to look for new ways to assess the changing situation as well as to implement and manage new means for business continuity.The structure of the paper: in the first part of the paper the strategic dimensions of employee identification in an organization have theoretically been based; in the second part the results of the combinative research have been presented applying two research methods: questionnaire, which helps to define dimension expression of employee identification in an organization (questionnaire was given to the employees of Panevezys clinics) and structural interview, which helps to present the trends of crisis situation management in organizations (the interviewed organizations: Panevezys clinics, UAB “Odenta“, UAB “Dentavita and co“, and UAB “Panevezys odontologai“ executives); the third part of the paper presents the theoretical model of social identification managing crisis situations in an organization. The theoretical model of social identification of managing crisis situation in an organization was justified, which requires designing the programs of crisis situation prevention in every dimension of employee identification in an organization considering the priority of the employees. In this model crisis situation management is described as the closed cycle involving these stages: the design of crisis situation management programs; the identification of crisis nature; the operative means in crisis situation and its liquidation in rehabilitating organizational performance. [From the publication]

1392-2785; 2029-5839
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