Pedagogų mokyklos baimė

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pedagogų mokyklos baimė
Alternative Title:
School fear of pedagogues and educational factors of its overcoming
In the Journal:
Pedagogika. 2008, 92, p. 14-23
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama bendrojo lavinimo ir specialiųjų mokyklų pedagogų mokyklos baimė ir jos įveikimo edukaciniai veiksniai. Tyrime dalyvavo 120 respondentų: 68 bendrojo lavinimo ir 52 specialiųjų mokyklų pedagogai. Anketinės apklausos metodu tirta, kokie veiksniai formuoja pedagogų mokyklos baimės apraiškas. Norėta išsiaiškinti, kurių tiriamųjų grupei, bendrojo lavinimo ar specialiųjų mokyklų pedagogams, būdingesnė mokyklos baimė. Analizuojant tyrimo duomenis, ieškota veiksnių, kurie lemia pedagogų mokyklos baimę. Tyrimu nustatyta bendrojo lavinimo ir specialiųjų mokyklų pedagogų mokyklos baimę sukeliantys veiksniai ir apraiškos. Bendrojo lavinimo ir specialiųjų mokyklų pedagogų mokyklos baimę sukeliantys veiksniai siejami su emociniais, organizaciniais, vadybiniais, mokyklos mikroklimato aspektais bei vidiniais organizmo pokyčiais. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Pedagogai; Mokyklos baimė; Edukaciniai veiksniai; School fear; Teachers; School.

ENSchool fear of pedagogues of special schools and schools of general education and the educational factors overcoming this fear are analyzed in bachelor’s work. It is hypothesized that some of the pedagogues of special schools and schools of general education feel school fear. The following 120 respondents have taken part in the research: 68 pedagogues of schools of general education and 52 pedagogues of special schools. By questionnaire survey it has been investigated what factors form manifestations of school fear. It has been attempted to realize to what group of those under research school fair has been more common: to the pedagogues of special schools or those of general education. By analyzing the research data by case analysis it has been attempted to illustrate and prove the hypothesis raised that some of the pedagogues of special schools and schools of general education feel school fear. The factors rising school fear, manifestations and extent have been determined by the research. Psychical and somatic factors of school fear are distinguished. Psychical ones are related with tension, anxiety, and stress that are experienced at work whereas heartache and headache, sleep disorder are assigned to somatic factors that cause school fear of pedagogues and provoke teachers’ whish not only to change their work at school but also their profession.The factors causing school fear of teachers of special schools and schools of general education are related with emotional, organizational, managerial, school microclimate aspects and inner changes of organism. Educational factors of overcoming school fear of pedagogues are presented in the research that may help the pedagogues to soothe or even get rid of school fear. Thesis that’s some of the pedagogues of special schools and schools of general education feel school fear have proved; according to the research data, the teachers of special schools more often suffer from school fear than those of mainstream schools. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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