Vaikų, turinčių autizmo spektro sutrikimą, ugdymosi sėkmę lemiantys veiksniai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vaikų, turinčių autizmo spektro sutrikimą, ugdymosi sėkmę lemiantys veiksniai
Alternative Title:
Factors determining successful education of children with autism spectrum disorder
In the Journal:
Specialusis ugdymas [Special Education]. 2019, Nr. 2 (40), p. 70-119
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje apibūdinamas vaikų, turinčių autizmo spektro sutrikimą, charakteristikų ir ugdymosi situacijų individualumas ir unikalumas. Ugdymo proceso dalyviai (tėvai, pedagogai, logopedai, psichologai, asistentai, bendraklasiai) nurodo ir panašius, ir skirtingus to paties vaiko bruožus bei poreikius. Vaikų, turinčių autizmo spektro sutrikimą, charakteristikų unikalumas ir požymių raiškos individualumas suponuoja ugdymo individualizavimo svarbą. Išskiriami ir analizuojami sėkmingą vaikų, turinčių autizmo spektro sutrikimą, ugdymą lemiantys veiksniai: ugdytojų vertybinės nuostatos ir draugiška mokyklos bendruomenė, vaiko individualumo pažinimas ir vaiko galiomis grįstas individualizuotas ugdymas, ugdymo dalyvių bendradarbiavimas, bendraklasių įtraukimas ir jų aktyvus dalyvavimas ugdymo procese. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Autizmo spektro sutrikimas; Atvejo analizė; Sėkmingas ugdymas; Ugdymo situacijos dalyviai; Autism spectrum disorder; Case study; Successful education; Participants of the education.

ENAs the number of children with autism spectrum disorder increases, the education of these children is becoming increasingly important. In order to identify the factors of successful education of children with autism spectrum disorder, a theoretical analysis of the concept of autism spectrum disorder was conducted, emphasizing the heterogeneity of children with autism spectrum disorder and the importance of acknowledgment of their cognitive and social skills and interests. The methodology of qualitative research and ecosystem approach has been used for case studies of 3 children with autism spectrum disorders successful education. The education success factors have been analysed through the interaction among all educational participants. The research data has been collected via semi-structured interviews and child’s observation at school and at home. The study confirms the uniqueness of the characteristics of children with autism spectrum disorders and their educational situations. Participants in the educational process - parents, teachers, speech therapists, psychologists, assistants, and classmates indicate both similar and different characteristics and needs of the same child.The uniqueness of the characteristics and individuality of the expression of peculiarities in children with autism spectrum disorders presupposes the importance of individualization of education. In the paper, the favourable factors of the successful education of children with autism spectrum disorders have been analysed. The study showed that educational success is determined by the favorable values and attitudes of the educators and friendly school community, as well as good knowledge of the child individuality, individualized education to address child’s needs and interests and to ensure his/her active participation. The collaboration of all educational participants, including the teacher, the child, the parents as well as the classmates has been found as one of successful educational factors. [From the publication]

1392-5369; 2424-3299
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