Nacionalinio paveldo idėjos kaita ir nūdienos iššūkiai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Nacionalinio paveldo idėjos kaita ir nūdienos iššūkiai
Alternative Title:
Changes in the idea of national heritage and today’s challenges
20 amžius.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariama nacionalinio paveldo idėjos raida Vakarių Europoje ir Lietuvoje siejant ją su nacionalizmo ideologijos ir nacionalinių politinių judėjimų kontekstu XIX-XXI a. Nemažai dėmesio skiriama šiuolaikinių nacionalinių paveldo politikų įvairovei analizuoti ir palyginti, nūdieniams multikultūralizmo iššūkiams visuomenėje ir paveldosaugoje aptarti. Taip pat per etnokultūrinės daugumos ir mažumų santykį straipsnyje nagrinėjami posovietinės Lietuvos paveldo politikos ypatumai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Paveldas; Tautinis tapatumas; Nacionalizmas; Multikultūralizmas; Etnokultūrinės bendrijos; Mažumos; Heritage; National identity; Nationalism; Multiculturalism; Ethnocultural communities; Minorities.

ENThe article presents an analysis of the concept of "national heritage", its historic development and changing connotations, taking into account the socio-economic and ideological challenges of today. Besides the circumstances for the formation of this idea in 19th-century Europe, its forms and significance in the creation of the modern heritage protection academic discipline and practices, the author also discusses its change over time. Great attention is focused on the transformation of the "national heritage" idea, affected by different types of nationalism (ethnocultural, civil, multicultural), as well as the socio-political context where these qualitative changes took place, bringing us to the efforts to create a multicultural society and the fruits of these efforts. Much attention is dedicated to the typology analysis and criticism of multicultural heritage policy models suggested by Greg Ashworth, Brian Graham and John Tunbridge, and a discussion of the potential for their application in the case of Lithuania. In the end, there is a more thorough examination of the content and scope of "national heritage" in Lithuania across the whole process of the formation of the modern heritage discipline from the inter-war period until today, identifying the problematic aspects of this theme. It was concluded that the unique "rehabilitation of nationalism" that is taking place globally today lets us expect that this concept will become more and more relevant in our country as well in the resolution of both conceptual and routine problems in the coexistence of different local ethnocultural communities, as well as solving problems in "majority" and "minority" culture mutual relations. [From the publication]

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