Socialinių dalininkų bendradarbiavimas profesinio rengimo sistemoje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Socialinių dalininkų bendradarbiavimas profesinio rengimo sistemoje
In the Journal:
Profesinis rengimas: tyrimai ir realijos [Vocational training: research and realities]. 2013, Nr. 24, p. 68-75
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio tikslas - atskleisti socialinių dalininkų bendradarbiavimo naudą profesinio rengimo institucijoms. Straipsnyje aptariami socialinių dalininkų bendradarbiavimo interesai, atskleidžiami verslo organizacijų ir profesinio rengimo institucijų bendradarbiavimo privalumai. Sėkmingi verslo organizacijų ir profesinio rengimo institucijų santykiai gali būti inovacijų, naujų specialistų įgūdžių, pasaulinės svarbos tyrimų, plėtros ir augančio produktyvumo šaltinis, todėl socialinių dalininkų bendradarbiavimas yra labai svarbus. Nusakomi konkurencinio pranašumo aspektai. Analizuojami socialinių dalininkų bendradarbiavimo tikslai profesinio rengimo sistemoje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bendradarbiavimas; Socialiniai dalininkai; Nauda; Interesai; Cooperation; Social stake holders; Benefits; Interests.

ENEconomic and social changes that have promoted move of the vocational training institutions towards internationalization and globalization have changed the trends of the qualifications' supply and demand within the VET system. The cooperation of business organizations and the vocational training institutions promotes the emergence of innovations, has a positive impact towards the development of those sectors, as well as the productivity of their activities, and outlines the demand for the new specialists. Business organizations' cooperation with the representatives of vocational education and training system enhances the vocational education and training quality and increases the availability as well as flexibility of the vocational education and training process.The successful business organizations'and training institutions relations may bea source of innovation, new professional skills of the specialists, the research of global significance, the source of increasing productivity, development; thus, the collaboration of the social stakeholders is very important. Vocational education and training system, aiming to meet the needs of learners should provide larger learning opportunities for people of all ages and to focus on practical activities that facilitate the development of a stronger "union" with various business organizations. Research object – benefits of cooperation. Research aim – to reveal the benefits of cooperation between social stakeholdersin the vocational training system. Research objectives: discuss the advantages of stakeholders'co-operation; describe the social stakeholders' cooperation interests and links of benefits. Research methods – scientific literature analysis. [From the publication]

1392-6241; 2029-8447
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