Muzikuojantys namai: aukštaičių vepriškių Ratautų giminė

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Muzikuojantys namai: aukštaičių vepriškių Ratautų giminė
Alternative Title:
Music making family: the Ratautas from Vepriai
In the Journal:
Tradicija ir dabartis. 2012, 7, p. 62-72
Ukmergė; Vepriai; Lietuva (Lithuania); Muzika / Music.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Instrumentinis repertuaras; Vepriai; Lietuvių tradicinis muzikantas; Tradicijos perėmimo būdai; Šiuolaikinė kultūra; Contemporary culture; Instrumental repertoire; Vepriai; Means of tradition continuity; Traditional musician.

ENArticle deals with the unique traditions of playing the violin and accordion, and the repertoire of five generations of the family of Ratautas from the villages of Vepriai and Ratautai of the district of Ukmergė. It also analyses how the traditions were kept and what change they underwent in the second half of the 20th and at the beginning of the 21st century. It also shows the change that the understanding of the traditional Lithuanian musician has undergone. The study of the traditional music making of the Ratautas family showed that the traditional musician in contemporary culture and traditional musicians of earlier generations are linked by the consistently kept up model of learning traditional instrumental music making, livelihood and the instruments. However, when musicians start to learned to play by ear, later they learned to play from music sheets and acquired education in music. The younger generations of the Ratautas family continue and foster the traditions of the family and region; at present they influence greatly the attitude to the traditional music making in the region and instrumental music making on the whole. The family members continue the tradition of playing at calendar and family festivities. However, on the other hand, they interpret them in their own way, bringing them closer to contemporary culture. Public performances have become an important part of their activities.The musicians who were born in the second half of the 20th century have partly kept the traditional repertoire of the earlier musicians of their family (polkas, waltzes, marches). A large of their repertoire, however, consists of stylized folk music, as well as popular music of various genres and simple classical music compositions. Important features of traditional musicians in contemporary culture are not only the ability but also their choice to perform in a lively way, following music making traditions. Traditional musicians do not identify themselves with the role of wedding masters of ceremonies and passive entertainers of the audiences. They do their best to follow traditions although they have to take into account the musical tastes and demands of contemporary listeners. [From the publication]

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